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BP Case Team 6 – Vitality Ajay Bhure, Cecilia Chang, Daniel Chang, Michael Cheung, Tim Fitzpatrick, Keith Ip, Haresh Totlani.

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Presentation on theme: "BP Case Team 6 – Vitality Ajay Bhure, Cecilia Chang, Daniel Chang, Michael Cheung, Tim Fitzpatrick, Keith Ip, Haresh Totlani."— Presentation transcript:

1 BP Case Team 6 – Vitality Ajay Bhure, Cecilia Chang, Daniel Chang, Michael Cheung, Tim Fitzpatrick, Keith Ip, Haresh Totlani

2 Evolution 1.CTO Office has evolved quickly in the past 6 years 2.Great initiatives & projects have been done under the “intelligence push” and “game changer” frameworks 3.Do more with less, more, or staying the same during the value creation process via Open Innovation?

3 Current Value Creation Approach Orchestrating hundreds of companies in the external IT ecosystem toward addressing BP business unit needs through facilitation and communication. CTO Office IT Ecosystem Business Units Demand Supply Gateway or Bottleneck

4 Existing Situations Post bubble burst (Legend of IT) IT Consolidation  leaving fewer IT vendors Small ones are gone  good ones become bigger Tight screening by VC New wave of trend such as Cloud, SaaS, BPO More suppliers in Asia CTO roles evolving beyond IT to hardware and telecommunications IT Ecosystem External Situations Accumulated multiple IT adoptions Maintaining various upgrades to keep up with the technology stack Current CTO Model: CTO office is more IT centric and back office centric Many to one (CTO) to many US and UK based CTO office Actions start with Intelligence push Blue Chalks Game Changers Technology Transfer Business Units and BP Corp Internal Situations

5 Capability-based process Stimulate & Capture Innovative Ideas Stimulate & Capture Innovative Ideas Support Turning Ideas into Opportunities Support Turning Ideas into Opportunities Deliver Compelling Case Deliver Compelling Case Value Realization & Recognition Value Realization & Recognition Support Innovation Awareness & Capability Support Innovation Awareness & Capability Value Creation based on a Enhanced Framework Proactive to promote innovation awareness via existing internal connection Transfer CTO office (hub and spoke) to a true network Encourage ideas and recommendation of sources from BP internal Tap into other internal innovation networks such as EPT Invite strategic vendors to step more forward and plan with Bus (Higher Transparency between BU needs and Vendors) Go beyond IT to other tech like hardware and telecommunications Higher geography coverage like BUs and vendors in Asia or LAD Should revisit the ideas and technologies from the past few years. Those still survive are proven and improved. Expand the responsibility to monitor the realization of value & reward the participants of successful ones (members from BUs) Keep track of how the projects evolved due to the lack of persistence > 2 years

6 Requirements of Moving Forward 1.1 HC (Phase 2) with expertise in hardware and align to Engineering & Production 2.1 HC (Phase 2) focusing on telecommunication technology such as 3G & video streaming 1.Total 4 HC investment over the next 2 years (additional budget of US$500k of each year) 2.Additional budget of 500k to enhancing the Social Innovation (IT & process) 1.1 HC (Phase 1) to enhance to Innovation Framwork 2.1 HC (Phase 1) focusing on geography beyond US & UK. Tapping into other suppliers & BUs outside of US and UK. 3.Rebalancing the workload & focus among existing 15 HC 1.Leverage more with strategic vendor’s innovation power 2.VC helps filtering out the unproven technology 3.Revisit the previous ruled out technologies which can become more mature 4.Expand the support to Refinery 5.From “Executive” CTO to “Advocate” CTO by providing ideas and technology to support Marketing  Enhancing customer experience Enhancing the existing leverage (Phase 1) Expand scope (Phase 2) Investment Summary

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