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Review. DEGREES #1). Michael is attending Truman College. What type of degree is he pursuing?

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1 Review

2 DEGREES #1). Michael is attending Truman College. What type of degree is he pursuing?

3 DEGREES #2). Susan earned her a Bachelor’s Degree in Spanish from DePaul University. Now she would like to become a Spanish teacher. She is going to attend Loyola University’s Graduate School. What type of degree will she earn from LU?

4 DEGREES #3). A ___________________degree requires three to fives years of additional full-time studies AFTER completion of a MASTER’s DEGREE.

5 COLLEGE TESTS Lisa is a junior at AMUNDSEN High School. She is planning to attend a college on the East or West coast. What TWO college admissions tests must she take? #4). ________________________ #5). ________________________

6 COLLEGE CLASSES IN HIGH SCHOOL #6). Michael is a great student. He works hard in all of his classes. He is currently taking two college level classes (A.P.) while in high school. If he does well on the exams in May, he will receive college credit. What does A.P. mean?

7 MONEY FOR COLLEGE # 7). _______________are awards based on FINANCIAL NEED that do not require REPAYMENT. They are available through the federal government, state agencies, and educational institutions (colleges/universities)

8 MONEY FOR COLLEGE #8)._____________________are a financial aid based on MERIT (grades), ABILITY, or SKILL, such as music or athletics. They do not need to be repaid.

9 MONEY FOR COLLEGE #9). What is the form required by the government for application to any federal education aid program. High school seniors should submit this form as soon as possible after January 1. It is processed free of charge and must be submitted each year a student applies for financial aid. What is this form? What does it stand for?

10 APPLYING FOR COLLEGE #10). What is the standardized application form used by consortium(group)of colleges for admission? Requires one essay.

11 ANSWER KEY #1). Associate’s Degree #2). Master’s Degree #3). Doctorate Degree #4) and #5) ACT and SAT #6). Advanced Placement #7). Grants #8). Scholarships #9). FAFSA –Free application for Federal Student Aid #10). Common Application

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