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Contract & Grant Administration and ERA October 11, 2005.

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Presentation on theme: "Contract & Grant Administration and ERA October 11, 2005."— Presentation transcript:

1 Contract & Grant Administration and ERA October 11, 2005

2 C&G Functionality Proposal Maintenance Document Award Maintenance Account Maintenance Budget Adjustments C&G Tables Maintenance Screens Cost Share Effort Reporting Query Capability in FIS

3 Proposal Maintenance General information Project director, organization (campus, department), time frames, subcontractors, etc. Manual entry by pre-award staff Automatic entry by ERA system

4 Proposal Maintenance

5 Proposal Details

6 Award Maintenance Separate table from proposal (allows differences between proposal and award) Pulls data from the proposal table Specific data (C&G administrator, LOC information, etc., associated account numbers) Manual entry by C&G (post-award) staff

7 Award Maintenance

8 Award Details

9 Award Accounts

10 Account Maintenance Account specifics Account Manager/Supervisor, IDC rate, exclusions, Higher Ed. Function Code, etc. Separate accounts for on/off campus components, multiple departments, etc. Linked to the proposal via the award document

11 Account Responsibility

12 Account – C&G Specifics


14 C&G Budget Awarded budget Budgets for each associated account Budgeted at the object code level Sub-accounts allow budgets for multiple purposes, including cost share

15 Maintenance Screens and Reference Tables Project Director F&A Rates Exclusions Agencies Subcontractors Research Risk Effort Reporting Many others

16 Cost Share Utilizes existing sub-account structure Sub-account is linked to a departmental account Encumbrances on the CS sub-account are mirrored on the departmental account Expenses on the CS sub-account are reimbursed nightly by the departmental account

17 Cost Share C&G Account Cost Share Sub-Account Department Account Expenses – charged to a Cost Share Sub-Account Cash Cash is transferred nightly to cover all cost share expenses incurred that day.

18 Sub-Accounts

19 Effort Reporting After-the-fact confirmation Batch process creates the initial reports Routed through FIS for Fiscal Officer (or delegate) approval Modifications to an effort report spawn salary transfers Manual re-created reports are possible

20 FIS Effort Report

21 Query Capability C&G Queries Page Proposal-Award-Account all linked in the lookup screens Account and budget are linked Query capabilities (parameters) Document search capabilities


23 C&G Cash Management Utilizes the AR system for invoice payments Non-AR payments also processed using the Cash Control document Queries calculate the agency-specific LOC draw-down amounts daily Batch process distributes LOC income to the C&G accounts monthly

24 ERA Modular design –Routing Form –Budget Development –Human Subjects –Maintenance Integrated with FIS –Personnel, salaries, agencies, subcontractors, Project Directors.

25 ERA Budget Automatic calculations –Subtotals, totals, fringe benefits, indirect costs –Builds inflation into out-year budgets Maintenance tables –Fringe benefits –Indirect cost rates NIH Modular budgets Multiple XML output formats (pdf) Budget items map to object codes in FIS

26 ERA Routing Form Linkages with FIS data Electronic routing via OneStart Workflow with e-mail notification Default approvers and ad-hoc approvers are allowed PDF output Automatically feeds the FIS proposal document when fully approved

27 FDRS / IUIE Data Direct Pre-Defined Queries Standard Monthly Reports (Reports Viewer) Project Director Reports Digests

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