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Motivation and Overview

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1 Motivation and Overview
Probabilistic Graphical Models Introduction Motivation and Overview

2 millions of pixels or thousands of superpixels predisposing factors symptoms test results diseases treatment outcomes each needs to be labeled {grass, sky, water, cow, horse, …}

3 Probabilistic Graphical Models

4 Models Data Model domain expert Declarative representation Learning
elicitation Algorithm Algorithm Algorithm

5 Uncertainty Partial knowledge of state of the world Noisy observations
Phenomena not covered by our model Inherent stochasticity

6 Probability Theory Declarative representation with clear semantics
Powerful reasoning patterns Established learning methods *** Reasoning with probabilities *** Well understood and useful for modeling uncertainty: dealing with noise, for modeling phenomenon not in our model, and uncertainty inherent in the system *** We can learn probabilities from sets of observations

7 Complex Systems Random variables X1,…, Xn
predisposing factors symptoms test results diseases treatment outcomes class labels for thousands of superpixels Random variables X1,…, Xn Joint distribution P(X1,…, Xn)

8 Graphical Models Bayesian networks Markov networks Intelligence
Difficulty Grade Letter SAT B D C A

9 Graphical Models

10 Graphical Representation
Intuitive & compact data structure Efficient reasoning using general-purpose algorithms Sparse parameterization feasible elicitation learning from data

11 Many Applications Medical diagnosis Computer vision Fault diagnosis
Natural language processing Traffic analysis Social network models Message decoding Computer vision Image segmentation 3D reconstruction Holistic scene analysis Speech recognition Robot localization & mapping

12 Image Segmentation

13 Medical Diagnosis -

14 Textual Information Extraction
Mrs. Green spoke today in New York. Green chairs the finance committee. Person Location Person

15 Multi-Sensor Integration: Traffic
Trained on historical data Learn to predict current & future road speed, including on unmeasured roads Dynamic route optimization Multiple views on traffic Weather Learned Model Incident reports I95 corridor experiment: accurate to 5 MPH in 85% of cases Fielded in 72 cities So far, we have focused on perception from a single source. There are also many cases where we have data streaming in from multiple sensors and information sources, often very heterogeneous in nature. Machine learning provides us with the tools to integrate those different sensors into a coherent picture. For example, a recently fielded traffic system. Thanks to: Eric Horvitz, Microsoft Research

16 Speech Recognition K O N F I D E N S

17 Biological Network Reconstruction
1 2 3 CD3 CD28 LFA-1 L A T PI3K RAS Cytohesin JAB-1 Zap70 VAV SLP-76 10 6 4 Lck PKC PLCg PIP3 Akt 7 5 PIP2 PKA Raf 8 MAPKKK MAPKKK Mek1/2 9 MEK4/7 MEK3/6 Erk1/2 Causal protein-signaling networks derived from multiparameter single-cell data Sachs et al., Science 2005 JNK p38

18 Overview Representation Inference Learning Directed and undirected
Temporal models More compact representations Inference Exact Approximate Learning Parameters and structure With and without complete data

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