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Lab Equipment Ms. Cox.

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Presentation on theme: "Lab Equipment Ms. Cox."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lab Equipment Ms. Cox

2 Slide Use: to hold the specimen for viewing under the microscope.
Location: See Ms. Cox Made of glass or plastic.

3 Cover Slip Uses: to protect the specimen on the slide and to prevent the microscope objective from touching the specimen. Location: See Ms. Cox

4 Petri Dish Uses: to hold and grow specimens such as bacteria for the purpose of research. Location: See Ms. Cox

5 Erlenmeyer Flask Uses: To Hold, Heat, Move, Mix, Measure Liquids
Location: Cabinet Made of glass.

6 Florence Flask Uses: To Hold ,Heat, Move, Mix, Measure Liquids.
Location: See Ms.Cox Made of glass.

7 Funnel Uses: to move liquids or semi-solids. Location: See Ms. Cox
Made of glass or plastic.

8 Graduated Cylinder Uses:
To Hold, Mix, move, measure liquids. Most accurate way to measure a liquid. Location: Drawer Made of glass and plastic. They come in many sizes.

9 Test Tube Uses: to hold, mix, move, measure small amounts of liquids.
Location: Cabinet Made of glass

10 Test Tube Rack Uses: to hold multiple test tubes at the same time. This allows mixing, moving, and measuring of liquids. Location: Cabinet

11 Test Tube Holder Uses: To pick up or hold one test tube.
Location: Drawer Made of metal

12 Pipette Uses: To move or measure small amounts of liquids.
Location: see Ms. Cox

13 Striker Used to ignite the flame on the Bunsen burner.
Location: See Ms. Cox

14 Scalpel Uses: to cut open the dissection specimen.
Location: See Ms. Cox Made of metal

15 Dropper Uses: to move small amounts of liquids. Location: Drawer
Made of plastic and glass.

16 Forceps Uses: to pick up, move, or manipulate small objects. Especially during a dissection. Location: Drawer Made of metal.

17 Safety Goggles Use: to protect the eyes and part of the face.
Location: See Ms. Cox Made of plastic

18 Safety Glasses Use: to protect the eyes and part of the face.
Location: on the Sunglass rack near the window.

19 Bunsen Burner Uses: to regulate the gas flow and house the flame.
Location: Cabinet Made of metal

20 Beaker Uses: To Hold, Heat, Move, Mix, Measure Liquids, Semi-Solids.
Location: Cabinet Made of plastic and glass.

21 Dissection Scissors Used to cut open the dissection specimen.
Location: Drawer

22 Apron Uses: to protect clothes and body. Location: On the wall.

23 Magnifying Glass Used to make small objects appear larger.
Location: Drawer

24 Timer Used to keep track of time. Location: Drawer

25 Heavy Duty Tongs Uses: to pick up and move large pieces of glassware.
Location: Drawer Made of metal

26 Test Tube Brush Uses: to clean test tubes and other pieces of glassware. Location: Drawer

27 Poker or Dissection Probe
Used to move or manipulate small parts of the dissection specimen. Location: Drawer

28 Dissection Pan or Tray Used to hold the dissection specimen.
Location: Drawer

29 Triple Beam Balance Uses: to take the weight or mass of a small solid object. Location: See Ms. Cox

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