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Elinor Medezinski Johns Hopkins University Galaxy Galaxy Lensing in CLASH clusters.

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Presentation on theme: "Elinor Medezinski Johns Hopkins University Galaxy Galaxy Lensing in CLASH clusters."— Presentation transcript:

1 Elinor Medezinski Johns Hopkins University Galaxy Galaxy Lensing in CLASH clusters

2 Weak lensing  WL causes shear () and convergence ()  Observable: reduced shear g E. Medezinski - CLASH team meeting  g + - Tangential distortion relative to center of mass  Stacking background galaxies inside aperture around cluster galaxy gives mass of galaxy lens  Averaging over many cluster galaxies within cluster annulus averages out cluster contribution

3 Galaxy - Galaxy Lensing Dynamical methods work well within optical radius r < 20 kpc Galaxy-Galaxy lensing is a unique method to probe galaxy Dark Matter Halos out to large radii 100 h -1 kpc ~ 200 h -1 kpc Stacking background galaxies inside aperture around cluster galaxy gives mass of galaxy lens Averaging over many cluster galaxies within cluster annulus averages out cluster contribution One can then deduce: M/L ratios of galaxies Truncation of galaxies in different part of clusters E. Medezinski - CLASH team meeting

4 B - R vs. R - z ’ selected samples

5 Truncated Singular Isothermal Sphere ( TSIS ) density profile E. Medezinski - CLASH team meeting

6 Marginalize over parameter space to find best-fit  V,R t,, Exclude inner 20-30 kpc/h from fit E. Medezinski - CLASH team meeting MCMC analysis

7 E. Medezinski - CLASH team meeting MACSJ 1206 MCMC results 0.1Rvir<R<0.6Rvir 0.6Rvir<R<1.1Rvir 1.1Rvir<R<1.8Rvir 1.8Rvir<R<2.8Rvir

8 E. Medezinski - CLASH team meeting

9 Exclude inner cluster core where strong contribution from cluster lensing Halo truncated outside R>R vir E. Medezinski - CLASH team meeting Halo properties vs. Cluster radius – MACSJ 1206 Truncation radiusgalaxy type Mass LuminosityM/L

10 E. Medezinski - CLASH team meeting  Use specstroscopic redshifts to reliably select a subsample of cluster galaxies.  Two main clouds – red and blue cluster galaxies Spec - z selected samples

11 E. Medezinski - CLASH team meeting  Red galaxies clustered, blue galaxies not clustered – do they belong to the cluster? Number density profiles

12 E. Medezinski - CLASH team meeting Red cluster g - g MassLuminosity M/L Truncation radiusgalaxy type

13 E. Medezinski - CLASH team meeting Blue cluster ( ? ) g - g MassLuminosity M/L Truncation radiusgalaxy type

14 A 2261 Results – CC selected sample E. Medezinski - CLASH team meeting Truncation radiusgalaxy type Mass LuminosityM/L

15 E. Medezinski - CLASH team meeting A 2261  BVR from Subaru, i'z' from KPNO – shallow. galaxy type Red cl.Blue cl. Mass Luminosity M/L Truncation radiusgalaxy type Luminosity Truncation radius M/L Mass

16 E. Medezinski - CLASH team meeting A 383  Problems –  not as deep (old reduction of Mario)  l.o.s stuctures, cluster substructure  No spec-z's redshifts of cluster galaxies

17 A370ZwCl0024 E. Medezinski - CLASH team meeting Natarajan et al. 2009

18 E. Medezinski - CLASH team meeting Next steps  More clusters with more spectro-selected cluster galaxies  Use 2D multi-halo model to subtract cluster lensing contribution  Incorporate HST shapes in centeral bins  Try other galaxy mass models? NFW?  Stack several clusters for better statistics  Divide by stellar mass, local density, type etc. to get information on the galactic halo in different enviroments

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