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In the mid-1800s, BC was one of the last frontiers in Canada Populated mainly by Aboriginals and young European men Many were hunters, fishers, miners,

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2 In the mid-1800s, BC was one of the last frontiers in Canada Populated mainly by Aboriginals and young European men Many were hunters, fishers, miners, and loggers. When BC joined Confederation in 1871, its population was 36,000, just under the 1% of the national total. By 1890, 2% By turn of the century, 3% In late 1800s, more than half the people were under 30 years old Men outnumbered women 2 to 1

3 Developed around the fur trade and gold rush in the mid-1800s Canadian Pacific Railroad helped bring the province into Confederation Created a transportation link between the west coast and the rest of the country This laid the foundation for further development of the economy BC’s economy was highly dependent on resource industries such as logging, mining, fishing and agriculture.

4 Manufacturing activities based on the processing of natural resources: canning Fraser River salmon, producing lumber and paper from harvested trees, and extracting the provinces rich mineral wealth. This dependence on primary industries helped forge an image of BC that persists today.

5 By 1995, the population of BC reached 3.8 million, more that the total population of Canada at the time that BC joined Confederation 4.4 million people in BC as of 2008 Vancouver is an important financial and industrial center Location on the west coast makes it an important transportation hub.

6 British Columbia Tourism Video Vancouver City HD

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