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The American Flag: It’s Not an Eyesore - It’s What We Fight For Permit No. 5-RPV-93-005-A21 Agenda Item: W12a.

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Presentation on theme: "The American Flag: It’s Not an Eyesore - It’s What We Fight For Permit No. 5-RPV-93-005-A21 Agenda Item: W12a."— Presentation transcript:

1 The American Flag: It’s Not an Eyesore - It’s What We Fight For Permit No. 5-RPV-93-005-A21 Agenda Item: W12a

2 The American Flag Why We Proudly Fly the American Flag: Ultimate Symbol of Americanism

3 The American Flag Why We Proudly Fly the American Flag: To Honor Those Who Have Fought and Died To Protect Us

4 The American Flag Why We Proudly Fly the American Flag: Reminder of the Profound Achievements of Our Nation

5 The American Flag Why We Proudly Fly the American Flag: Strength, Unity, & Resolve in the Face of Terror

6 The American Flag Why We Proudly Fly the American Flag: RPV Resident Robert Nelson: “We All Stand A Little Taller” Boot Campaign: “The American Flag is a centerpiece to our freedom... [we] enjoy knowing that when our servicemen and women drive up they are greeted with the wave of gratitude in the display of the American Flag.” Don Knabe, Chairman of the Board of Supervisors for the County of Los Angeles: “I believe the Flag is an asset to the City of Rancho Palos Verdes and provides an enriching experience to better appreciate the ocean and the coast. It has truly become an icon and a significant landmark in the community.”’

7 The American Flag Why We Proudly Fly The American Flag: C.J. Ruona, RPV Resident: “My wife and I, as well as many other local residents and visitors, frequently walk the beautiful trails maintained by Trump... and proudly admire Old Glory while doing so. This great symbol of our nation is visible to departing and arriving sea going vessels, offering them a patriotic welcome, or fond farewell.” Barry & Judy Hildebrand, 48 yr. RPV Residents: “You should all take a trip to Ensenata, Mexico, to see how proud the citizens there are: they daily fly a flag 4 times the size of Trump’s on a pole that is almost twice as tall. We could feel the pride that they have, and we feel the same way about our ‘Old Glory.’ Please leave it alone.”

8 The American Flag The American Flag is So Important That the State Legislature Has Enacted Legislation Precluding Restrictions Cal. Gov. Code Section 434.5(d) is Dispositive May Only Impose “Reasonable Restrictions” as to time, place and manner when “necessary for the preservation of the public’s health, safety, or order.” NO EVIDENCE in the record of any concern for “public’s health, safety or order” Only aesthetic concerns – which are strictly prohibited by law

9 The American Flag Coastal Staff Finding: Restricts Sweeping Panoramic Views of the Ocean and Coastline?

10 The American Flag Staff Finding: Results in “Significant Adverse Effects” to Views? Not view impairing issue when put in perspective Elevation of the flag is significantly below the road Based on the size/scope of the property it is proportional Members of the public put it best: If you stand and put out your thumb, the flag is blocked “The only way the public could possibly have their ocean view compromised is if they are standing 2 feet or less behind the flagpole when viewing the largest ocean on earth.”

11 The American Flag Staff Finding: It is not “Reality” that the flag is an asset which enhances views? Almost 800 letters from residents, trail walkers, visitors to Rancho Palos Verdes, neighbors, veterans, community organizations, USC, Clippers, Chamber of Commerce, real estate agents, etc. Overwhelming support and testimony that the flag enhances views and in no in way is an “impairment” No opposition contends this is an “impairment” Location of the flag was extensively studied to enhance access to the coast Located adjacent to the public parking lot City Condition of Approval includes viewing areas in the park Reduction in Height and Changed Location will make the flag virtually invisible

12 The American Flag Fails to “Cluster” together structures which have view impacts?

13 The American Flag Section 17.02.040: Limits height of “structures” to 26 feet Structure: “means anything constructed or built, any edifice or building or any kind, or any piece of work artificially built up or composed of parts joined together in some definite manner, which is located on or on top of the ground on a parcel of land utilized for residential purposes, excluding antennas, skylights, solar panels and similar structures not involving the construction of habitable area.” Other Flags in the City are permitted at heights well in excess of 26 feet: Golden Cove: 50 ft Ralphs Supermarket: 40 ft

14 Rancho Palos Verdes Has Already Approved and Made Findings Necessary - If it was View Impairing the City would not have approved the application then, and would not still support it now Placed Conditions on the Flag: Purpose limited to flying the American Flag 25 square feet around the flag shall be dedicated to the City Responsible for raising and lowering the flag and complying with all Flag laws City and Trump National will jointly dedicate the Flag to the Veterans

15 The American Flag It’s Not an Eyesore - It’s What We Fight For

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