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Disaster RECOVERY It’s about the connections. Goals for this session Administrators recognize their role in the decision-making process associated with.

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Presentation on theme: "Disaster RECOVERY It’s about the connections. Goals for this session Administrators recognize their role in the decision-making process associated with."— Presentation transcript:

1 Disaster RECOVERY It’s about the connections

2 Goals for this session Administrators recognize their role in the decision-making process associated with disaster recovery and business continuity Administrators understand key discussion topics for follow-up conversations with board, technology staff and office staff Administrators are persuaded to embrace a Motion Leadership methodology that gets the organization behaving its way toward disaster preparedness

3 “System Administrators” and Administrating Systems TacticalStrategic Systematic Random

4 I’m sure those guys have everything backed up... Level 2 - DR Level 3 - DR Level 4 DR/BC Level 5 BC Level 1- DA Manual backup of important files on site “just in case” Auto tape backup/offsite tape storage Auto tape backup on site Auto offsite backup to disk Auto offsite tape backup/tape rotation Secondary site with data replication and failover systems for mission critical apps Secondary site with some server capacity Secondary site with full transactional replication of all data associated with identified services - All services virtualized with a tested ability to “turn up” all services at “secondary” site

5 Backup status... 1. 1. Have you checked with your technicians on the status of the backup for your organization? 2. 2. Are your backups stored in an off- site location to ensure their viability in the event of a disaster? 3. 3. How often are backups rotated into the off-site storage location? 4. 4. How much electronic data is it okay to lose? (Recovery Point Objective)

6 Potential or Productivity? IntegratedIntegral

7 Just a second, it’s in one of these folders... 5. 5. How much of your business critical data is paper only? How much of your organization’s critical data is paper only? a. a. What are the document retention laws in the State of Missouri? If your district office building suffered the same fate as LPS’ would you be compliant with document retention laws? b. b. What will be your approach to the conversion process? Is the goal a digital safety deposit box or content management system?

8 I’ve got the paper right here... c. c. Who is responsible for the conversion process? [Hint: it is not a “tech” person unless that person already handles your document retention strategy]. Keep in mind that there will be both technology and business processes involved, so a team will be required. d. d. What is a realistic timeline for a conversion to digital? Who are the key stakeholders on a team responsible for converting your paper to digital?

9 Umm, we have backups, right?... 6. 6. If the building containing your primary technology infrastructure suffered the same fate as Lincoln Public Schools, how long is acceptable before the following services are available? This may be expressed in hours, days, weeks, months or years.E-mail District phones Student Information System Payroll/Finance/HR Server Files Files stored on computers Printing & Copying Everything else

10 What if you get hit by the garbage truck? 7. 7. How would you handle a situation involving medium-term loss of a key technology staff member?

11 Two tin cans in a string... 8. 8. What methods of communication would still be functional in the event a disaster befell your district facilities? How would you communicate with key personnel in the meantime? Where is the alternate contact information stored? 8. 8.

12 Counting stuff... 9. 9. Who is in charge of inventory within your district? Is the technology inventory adequate and detailed enough for an insurance claim? Would that information survive the disaster?


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