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Anglo-Saxons 500-1066.

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Presentation on theme: "Anglo-Saxons 500-1066."— Presentation transcript:

1 Anglo-Saxons

2 The Anglo-Saxons c

3 Discuss Beowulf What was this Germanic culture like according to the poem? Consider.. Values Settlement of disputes Entertainment Fighting Women Aristocracy and peasants The socioeconomic class of heroes


5 Anglo-Saxon Kingdoms c. 700

6 Monastic scribes

7 Written Laws Elevated the Prestige of Kings

8 The Ismere Diploma 736 Charter during Aethelbald’s reign 716-757

9 Anglo-Saxon Charter

10 Chirograph


12 Tribal Hidage c. 700-720 Hwinca syfan þusend hyda. 7,000
Ciltern sætna feower þusend hyda. 4,000 Hendrica þryu þusend hyda ond fif hund hyda. 3,500 Unecungaga twelf hund hyda. 1,200 Arosætna syx hund hyda. 600 Færpinga þreo hund hyda. is in Middelenglum Færpinga 300 Bilmiga syx hund hyda. 600 Eastwilla syx hund hyda. 600 Westwilla syx hund hyda. 600 East engle þrittig þusend hida. 30,000 Eastsexena syofon þusend hyda. 7,000 Cantwarena fiftene þusend hyda. 15,000 Suþsexena syufan þusend hyda. 7,000 Westsexena hund þusend hyda. 100,000

13 Coins of Offa


15 Anointing & Coronation Raised the Prestige of Kings

16 Anglo-Saxon Kingdoms c. 700

17 Viking Invasions of the British Isles

18 Viking Invasion

19 Alfred the Great


21 The Burghal Clusters

22 Guthrum’s Peace c. 886

23 Early Shire Structure approx. 30 shires. C. 950

24 Royal Writ

25 King Edgar, c. 973

26 Cnut the Great r. 1016-1035 Danish King of England

27 The Norman Conquest 1066

28 European Expansion

29 Physical Map of Europe

30 Moldboard plow



33 Agricultural Patterns throughout Europe c. 1300

34 The Hanseatic League c. 1300


36 Monarchies became increasingly powerful by 1300

37 Medieval Universities

38 French Gothic at St. Chapelle

39 The Annunciation



42 Siege of Jerusalem, 1099

43 Anglo-Saxons Migrations Originally adamant pagans
begin from Continent in 5th century initiate battles with Britons Originally adamant pagans Converted through domestic proselytization Augustine of Canterbury arrives 597 Ethelbert of Kent and Queen Bertha Establishment of Roman Christianity in Britain eventual conflict with Irish Christianity

44 Christianity and Literacy
Clerical literati Written legal codes Ethelbert c. 600 Alfred c. 900 Written charters Formal wills and writs

45 The Northumbrian Renaissance c.625- c.790
Illuminated Manuscripts Intellectual revival Bede Alcuin Conversion Mercia Continental Saxons, including Frisia Composition of Beowulf?

46 The Venerable Bede

47 Alfred the Great (849-99) Unification of Southern England
Establishment of Uniform Legal Code Reinvigoration of Learning Danish Invasions (793- c.900) Danish cultural influence Establishment of the Danelaw c. 900 Unification of Mercians and West Saxons Danish rule ends 1042

48 English Society c. 1066 Political Unity and Administrative System
English Identity Anglo-Saxon Danish/Scandinavian Thoroughly Christian Uniform Currency Established Vernacular Tradition

49 Summary The conquests of the Franks, Anglo-Saxons, and Normans had an enduring impact on the formation of the political boundaries of Europe Similarly the achievements of the Celtic Church during its golden age had an enduring impact on the spread of monasticism and the preservation of texts throughout Europe; ultimately, however, Celtic Christianity gradually receded as the papacy formed an enduring relationship with the Franks

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