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The Hellenistic Synthesis. Greek cities quarreled, so King Philip II took advantage –Philip, King of Macedonia, (Northern Greece) destroyed the joint.

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Presentation on theme: "The Hellenistic Synthesis. Greek cities quarreled, so King Philip II took advantage –Philip, King of Macedonia, (Northern Greece) destroyed the joint."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Hellenistic Synthesis

2 Greek cities quarreled, so King Philip II took advantage –Philip, King of Macedonia, (Northern Greece) destroyed the joint army of Thebes & Athens--took control of Greece (338 BCE) –Philip murdered while preparing to invade Persia –His son, Alexander the Great, (tutored by Aristotle) continued his work & overthrew Persia & spread Hellenism (Greek culture, thought, way of life) –Created the largest empire to that point (2 million square miles)--Egypt to India –Hellenistic age lasted from Alexander’s death in 323 to 30 BCE

3 Effects of Hellenistic Rule –  trade with East Africa, Arabia, India, & Central Asia –Diffusion of Greek Culture –Explosion in philosophy, science, & medicine cynicism (Diogenes) = live according to nature; give up luxuries Epicureanism (Epicures) = ignore issues; seek pleasure stoicism (Zeno) = do your duty, don’t try to change things (natural law) –Greatest achievement was in science Aristarchus = heliocentric theory; earth & planets move around the sun Archimedes = principles of mechanics

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