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HISD Becoming #GreatAllOver CIC: September TOT for Mentor and BT Forums “It’s all about student achievement.” Vanessa Nieto-Gomez

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Presentation on theme: "HISD Becoming #GreatAllOver CIC: September TOT for Mentor and BT Forums “It’s all about student achievement.” Vanessa Nieto-Gomez"— Presentation transcript:

1 HISD Becoming #GreatAllOver CIC: September TOT for Mentor and BT Forums “It’s all about student achievement.” Vanessa Nieto-Gomez Jean Duffey

2 HISD Becoming #GreatAllOver Orientation vs. Induction OrientationInduction Purpose Communicate general information Provide ongoing support Acclimate new hires Time Frame A single eventThroughout the year Delivery One size fits all format Classroom style setting Customized content by function/role Blended learning Results Exposure to general and cultural data Fully integrated into the educational profession

3 HISD Becoming #GreatAllOver Training Dates and Description

4 HISD Becoming #GreatAllOver Agenda  Outcomes, Norms, and Agenda  Connecting Activity  Forum Structure  CIC Training to Present: - Mentor Forum #1 - BT Forum #1  Entering/Updating BT/Mentor Relationships in MAS  Closing

5 HISD Becoming #GreatAllOver Outcomes  CICs will be trained to present Mentor Forum #1.  CICs will be trained to present BT Forum #1.  BT/Mentor Relations will be updated in MAS.

6 HISD Becoming #GreatAllOver Norms  Active Listening  Appropriate use of electronics  Equity of voice  Respect for all perspectives  Confidentiality

7 HISD Becoming #GreatAllOver Connecting Activity  Reflect on your position as a CIC so far this school year.  Jot down a few things that have gone well or that are going well.  Go around the table and state: - your name, - the number of BTs on your campus, and - one thing that you jotted down.  The CIC with the most number of BTs will choose one thing to share out.

8 HISD Becoming #GreatAllOver Forum Structure  Connecting – Includes: - Outcomes, Norms, Agenda, and Parking Lot - Introductions, and Icebreakers, Preparing for the Learning  Learning – Includes: - Reviewing Previous Learning - New Learning  Managing – Includes: - Old and New Business - Announcements/Updates  Closing – Includes: - Reflecting on learning - Training Evaluation

9 HISD Becoming #GreatAllOver CIC Binder Remember to:  Include agenda and sign-in sheets for all meetings and forums  Maintain records and documents on worksheets presented during summer training (available on website under documents)

10 HISD Becoming #GreatAllOver Individual Monitoring Charts

11 HISD Becoming #GreatAllOver Individual Conferencing Charts

12 HISD Becoming #GreatAllOver 2014-15 CIC Responsibilities Charts

13 HISD Becoming #GreatAllOver Reflecting on the Training Complete the CAL Survey:  What’s working? (What is going well so far this year?)  What are your challenges/concerns? (Have there been any challenges or concerns that have been difficult to resolve?)  What might be your next steps? (What might you do to address any pending concerns? How will you use what has been presented in this training?)  What can I do for you? (What kind of continued or additional support would you like from Vanessa and Jean?)

14 HISD Becoming #GreatAllOver Accountability Check-In Indicate on the CAL Survey (Check-In) the tasks that you have completed.  Reported mentor/mentee relationships in MAS  Documented conference with BT on One-on-One Conference sheet  Visited BTs and documented on BT/Mentor Assignments and MAS Monitoring sheet  Submitted electronic mentor assignment forms  Sent letter informing mentors of training requirements  Informed BTs of Campus Forum #1 date  Informed Mentors of Campus Forum #1 date

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