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CONTACT SEMINAR WITH THE WESTERN BALKANS December 17, 2015 Vienna Cooperations with the Western Balkans TESTIMONIALS University of Graz Cooperations with.

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Presentation on theme: "CONTACT SEMINAR WITH THE WESTERN BALKANS December 17, 2015 Vienna Cooperations with the Western Balkans TESTIMONIALS University of Graz Cooperations with."— Presentation transcript:

1 CONTACT SEMINAR WITH THE WESTERN BALKANS December 17, 2015 Vienna Cooperations with the Western Balkans TESTIMONIALS University of Graz Cooperations with the Western Balkans TESTIMONIALS University of Graz

2 OVERVIEW Background: University of Graz & strategic profile in SEE Projects – Findings / Challenges / Optimal Conditions Procedures at Uni Graz

3 3 University of Graz

4 4 International Commitment of the University of Graz within the European Higher Education Area Focus South-Eastern Europe First University in the German-speaking area Geographic Location Graz as bridge to the South- Eastern European region Intensive Cooperation long-term experience within university networks and projects

5 5 Tempus & Erasmus Mundus Projects since 2008 Since 2009 the University of Graz has been coordinating 1 EMECW and 4 Erasmus Mundus Action 2 projects with the Western Balkan region. Since 2008 the University of Graz has been involved in 11 Tempus IV projects with partners in the Western Balkan region, 4 of them have been coordinated by the University of Graz: JoinSEE: Example of Excellence for Joint (Programme) Development in South-Eastern Europe PHD in Food Science and Techology & Creating Capacities for PhD Reform at the University of Prishtina (PhD@UP) INTERFACE: Developing and setting up measures for initiating, enhancing and sustaining Higher- Education-Society Cooperation ConSuS: Connecting Science-Socienty Collaborations for Sustainability Innovations Currently, the University of Graz puts an emphasis on credit mobility and research cooperation (Centre for South-Eastern European Studies).

6 6 Some findings Overlapping projects (many projects do not build on results achieved in previous ones) Lack of impact and sustainable results Scope of projects (a lot of resources go into administrative or managerial activities) Financial/administrative management – little institutionalized procedures Involvement of the right people / need for empowerment and use of potential Donor dependency

7 7 Ingredients for a successful cooperation: TransparencyClear structures Traceability of decisions Involvement of all partners in the decision making processes Equal distribution of tasks Partnership Agreements Continuous Activities Monitoring & Staff Training Financial Management Structure Results & Impact

8 8 Optimal conditions: (Develop) close ties and cooperation on institutional/faculty level Top management level support Top down and bottom up by taking into account the University structures! Sufficient (human) resources for project management Enough/right people involved Check previous (siminlar) projects and build on results Define clear impact

9 Responsibilities at the University of Graz Research projects Research Management Office (RMO) Educational projects Office of International Relations (IRO) Unified and integrated administrative and monitoring procedures

10 Institutional Commitment 1/2 Projects are carried out on behalf of the University of Graz Rector as legal representative in all international matters, incl. all educational projects in which Uni Graz is coordinator or partner  application documents, partnership agreements, reports are signed by the Rector  in the Rector‘s absence – substitution model within the rectorate Financial management embedded in the operational procedures of the university

11 Institutional Commitment 2/2

12 Application procedure 1/2 Project idea and conceptualization Individuals/working groups in academic or administrative units Contact with IROIRO is contact point for all educational projects, needs to be informed of projects „in the pipeline“ Project reporting Electronic reporting via PDMS (ProjectDataManagementSystem) two weeks before submission at the latest „Institutional commitment“  head of department & head of faculty/unit give their approval 1 1 2 2 3 3

13 See also handout „Educational projects – application phase: Process mapping“ Application procedure 2/2 Application documents IRO provides consultation, administrative support, collects relevant signatures (rectorate, bank, …), conducts formal review of application documents; electronic copies of application documents are filed by IRO Selection resultsIRO checks back with project leader, project database and lists get updated accordingly 4 4 5 5

14 Project implementation Who is involved? Faculties Departments Individuals Finances & Controlling Personnel Department Research Management Office Office of International Relations

15 Central monitoring and controlling Measures project-relevant documents are filed centrally at the IRO  proxy  application  contracts  reports project reporting via PDMS – workflow includes responsible superiors publication of proxy & internal order number in university bulletin integration into operational procedures of the university budget controlling by RMO internal administrative audits (Internal Audit Department)

16 Contact Mag. Ulrike Krawagna Joint Degree Management & Projects Büro für Internationale Beziehungen / Office of International Relations Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz / University of Graz mailing address: Universitätsplatz 3 visiting address: Strassoldogasse 10 8010 Graz / Austria Tel: +43 (0)316 – 380 – 1217 Fax: +43 (0)316 – 380 – 9155 Web:

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