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 The main idea:underling this model is that more further cooperation is that more positive and more productive for the benefit of all members to the arrangements.

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Presentation on theme: " The main idea:underling this model is that more further cooperation is that more positive and more productive for the benefit of all members to the arrangements."— Presentation transcript:

1  The main idea:underling this model is that more further cooperation is that more positive and more productive for the benefit of all members to the arrangements if integration.  -Conditions and requirements of integration.  Integrations among states requires in order to achieve its goal the agreement to create common organs which have the power to take decisions binding to all governments of the integration arrangements.

2  Ex:The European union has the power to take supranational decisions which address immediately and directly the governments concerned and the latter must obey them.Taxes, human rights regulation and decisions are good example in this regard.

3 1) Economic integration: Common market, cutouts regulation the free transfer of services and all factors of production (goods,labor,capital…..) European Union,free trade area, in the international relations.

4  2) Political integration:  More difficult than economic integration, because it deals with sovereignty it rests upon organs the power coordinate the policies and positions of the parties concerned in the fields of defense and foreign policy.  It does not necessarily require the negation of national governments,ex:the European the position of higher coordinator for foreign policy affairs.

5  3) Security integration:  It means integrating the military capabilities of the parties concerned and creating common organs which are responsible for policy –marking and decision –taking and putting those plans,decisions and policies into effect on the ground.  Mutual trust and confidence is essentially required for making security integration possible and effective.  Ex. NATO western military base in Africa  It must be noted that there must be higher degree of common awareness.The expected and merits to be produced by integration on any level and any form.

6  D)the fourth model of interaction and inter-relations prevailing in International is a model concerned with relations and interactions based upon conflict:  This model constitutes the most dangerous one among the patterns dominating the international arena. It's the most threatening pattern to international peace and security because it motivate states to mobilize all available resources and capabilities towards conflict, the matter which may if not controlled result in wars and armed violence.

7  The main idea underlying pattern of conflict in international relation consists in the fact that motives,conceptions,goals and interests and capabilities of the states in addition to the source threatening their interests, all these factors and other vary from one state to anther. The variation makes foreign policies of the state contradictive more than meet and thus tending to conflict.

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