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Federal Cloud Computing Activities K EVIN J ACKSON D ATALINE, LLC.

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1 Federal Cloud Computing Activities K EVIN J ACKSON D ATALINE, LLC

2 rev date 1/15/2016slide 2 What is SOA-R? An end-to-end cloud computing reference architecture What does SOA-R do? Leverages cloud computing technologies and techniques specifically for the support of national security related applications and workflows Holistic application of storage, CPU, content distribution and network virtualization techniques to realize network centric operational goals Uses proven implementation strategies and components with built-in facilities for upgrades and adoption of new vendors and technologies Allows for deliberate and measureable transition strategies

3 Cloud Musings rev date 1/15/2016slide 3 & Collaborative effort Leverage both print and Web 2.0 technologies Take broad look at current industry state using a simple online survey In-depth interviews by MIT correspondents Publish results: - "Cloud Computing Special Report“ - November 2008; - "Cloud Computing: A Government Customer View“ to industry - "Cloud Computing: Industry Offerings“ to government; - "Cloud Computing Technology Information" in SOA-R wiki; and - Selected interviews posted on "Cloud Musings" for discussion and comment by the community

4  CloudCamp is an “unconference” where early adapters of Cloud Computing technologies exchange ideas. Attendees are encouraged to share their thoughts in several open discussions in support of the advancement of Cloud Computing. End users, IT professionals and vendors are all encouraged to participate.  Previous Events San Francisco, June 24, 2008, ~300 attendees London – July 16, 2008, ~250 attendees Silicon Valley – Sept. 30, 2008 Additional Cloudcamps planned for New York, Chicago, Boston and Paris  Tentative Date: November 12, 2008 Interested in sponsoring? – Interested in attending? – o Sign-up for Nov 12 th event o Write “Cloudcamp” in comments CloudCamp: Federal ? rev date 1/15/2016slide 4

5  Subscribe to “Cloud Musings”  For SOA-R Education Series or Cloudcamp  Join the cloud computing wiki  Participate in the survey  Additional information / Cloudcamp Federal Sponsorship Contact Kevin Jackson o o (703) 335-0830 For more on SOA-R and cloud computing: rev date 1/15/2016slide 5

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