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Thesis Presentation IV – Fall Midterm Review NewMediaArts art 127 :: graphic symbolism week 12 :: b.

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Presentation on theme: "Thesis Presentation IV – Fall Midterm Review NewMediaArts art 127 :: graphic symbolism week 12 :: b."— Presentation transcript:

1 Thesis Presentation IV – Fall Midterm Review NewMediaArts art 127 :: graphic symbolism week 12 :: b

2 NewMediaArts art 127 :: graphic symbolism :: week 12 :: b :: in-class example  Landor Associates 

3 NewMediaArts art 127 :: graphic symbolism :: week 12 :: b :: in-class example  Landor Associates 

4 NewMediaArts art 127 :: graphic symbolism :: week 12 :: b :: in-class example  Landor Associates 

5 NewMediaArts art 127 :: graphic symbolism :: week 12 :: b :: in-class example  Landor Branding Dictionary   Brand Revitalization A major overhaul of a brand, starting with its positioning and proceeding through creative regeneration of the brand identity.  Identity Two meanings, both valid: 1) The sum of all the characteristics, tangible and intangible, that make the offer unique. 2) The elements of brand identification (e.g., the name, symbol and colors) by which an offer can be identified.  Logo The terms "mark", "logo" and "identifier" are general terms for a symbol or wordmark.  Symbol A "symbol" is an abstract sign to represent the brand.  Wordmark A "wordmark" is the stylized treatment of the brand name and serves the same functional purpose as a symbol.

6 NewMediaArts art 127 :: graphic symbolism :: week 12 :: b :: yummy icon examples    Photoshop Tutorial:  misc003.html misc003.html

7 NewMediaArts art 127 :: graphic symbolism :: week 12 :: b :: homework assignment  6 logo designs (all digital)  assignment: Prepare 6 distinct designs in 1 layer in 1 illustrator file for a formal client presentation. To narrow your designs down to 6, step back and take a hard look at your current 10 designs. Which are working? Which are not? Which are visually strong? Which are conceptually strong? Choose only the strong ones – one that a client may actually pick as their final logo – then categorize them into three distinct categories:  Low risk  Mid risk  Hi Risk  format: be prepared to hand in 6 distinct logo designs in illustrator format during class next Tuesday. We will look at them on the big screen for only 5 minutes per person. You must put all six logos on one layer in one illustrator file. This will allow us to quickly critique your designs in one simple viewing.  6 designs on 1 layer in 1 illustrator file: 8.5” x 11” – CMYK.  Remember to give each design a # (1-6) and a thematic title, such as “logo#1: Red fire”. due :: 11.15.05

8 NewMediaArts art 127 :: graphic symbolism :: week 12 :: b :: today’s agenda  Today is a working day  Work on your homework/next round of designs in class  6 designs for client review next week.

9 NewMediaArts art 127 :: graphic symbolism :: week 12 :: b :: post mortem  How smoothly did today’s class run?  What slowed us down?  What did we skip over?  How can we be more efficient in the future?


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