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5 Components of Physical Fitness

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Presentation on theme: "5 Components of Physical Fitness"— Presentation transcript:

1 5 Components of Physical Fitness

2 5 Components of Physical Fitness
#1. Cardiovascular Fitness - ________________________(also known as cardiorespiratory fitness) is the ability of the_______, lungs and ________________ to deliver ____________ blood to working muscles during ___________ physical activity. Cardiovascular Fitness heart vascular system oxygen-rich sustained

3 How is it measured? Pacer Test FITNESSGRAM 1 Mile Run FITNESSGRAM

4 #2. Flexibility – Flexibility full range of motion
_____________ is the ability of a joint to move through its __________________, from a flexed to an extended position. Flexibility full range of motion List of reasons why flexibility is important: Prevents injury Improves posture Enhances sports performance

5 How is it measured? FITNESSGRAM
Back Saver Sit & Reach Trunk Lift Shoulder Stretch

6 #3.Body Composition fat What is lean body mass? Muscle Organs
Body composition is the amount of _____in the body compared to the amount of _____________. fat lean body mass What is lean body mass? Muscle Organs Blood Cells Water Bones

7 How is it measured? Bio Electrical Impedance Skin Fold Caliper

8 Body Composition Analyzer
Water Test

9 #4 Muscular Strength- strength exert resistance
Muscular __________ is the amount of force a muscle or muscle group can _______ against a heavy _________. exert resistance

10 How is it measured? 1 The measurement of a ___ repetition at the ____________ resistance. heaviest WARNING: Testing muscular strength can be _____________and unsafe. dangerous

11 #5 Muscular Endurance muscle repeat hold position extended
Muscular endurance is the ability of a _________ or muscle group to ________ a movement many times or to _______ a particular ________ for an _________ period of time. muscle repeat hold position extended

12 How is it measured? Flexed Arm Hang Curl Up Test Pull Up Test

13 Now, use your notes and knowledge about the 5 components of physical fitness and list physical activities/exercises that relate to the following physical fitness components on the chart below: **See student NOTES for the 5 components of Physical Fitness

14 STUDENT WORKSHEET: Many physical fitness tests can test multiple fitness components at the same time. Especially muscular strength and endurance. Use your notes to list facts about muscular strength and muscular endurance. Then list their similarities and their differences.

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