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Published byFelicia Sanders Modified over 9 years ago
Welcome and Introductions Local Division Rules TB and CP Little League Rules Umpire Expectations Schedule WCLL Umpire Clinic TB and CP
TB & CP Local Rules Section 6.1.1 & 6.2.1 Umpires/Rulings No judgment call shall be disputed by any coach. In the event a judgment call is disputed by a coach, that coach is ejected from the game. Play does not continue until the coach has left the property. In the event that the umpire is a minor, the umpire should contact the nearest WCLL board member and that board member executes the ejection(s). a) For the first offense, the volunteer is suspended from coaching their team for one (1) game. When serving that suspension, the volunteer cannot be present at the park. b) For the second offense, the volunteer is suspended from coaching their team for three (3) games. When serving that suspension, the volunteer cannot be present at the park. As well, the volunteer is not eligible to coach any All-Star teams. c) For any additional offense, the volunteer is banned from coaching in Warren County Little League.
TB Local Rules Section 6.1.1& 6.2.1 Umpires/Rulings No spectator shall interrupt the game in the attempt to any decision made on the field by any coach or any umpire. In the event that this occurs, the spectator is ejected from the field along with the head coach of the team that spectator represents. Play does not continue until both parties have left the property. In the event that the umpire is a minor that umpire should contact the nearest WCLL board member and that board member executes the ejection(s). The Umpire is the only person that can call time. can request time, but the umpire has the final decision.
TB Local Rules Section 6.1.2 Field Markings/Dimensions The home team must line the fields. Lining includes the batters box, foul ball arc in front of home plate, vertical chalk lines halfway between 1 st and 2 nd base, 2 nd and 3 rd base, and 3 rd and home plate. The home team must also mark the field with a line to designate the separation of the infield and outfield. The fair territory between this line and home plate is the infield. The fair territory beyond this line is considered the outfield. The line is a semi-circle stretching from foul line to foul line, measuring at 70ft. on both the 1 st and 3 rd base foul lines. The base path distance is 60 ft. The distance of the pitching rubber to home plate is 46 ft.
TB Local Rules Section 6.1.3 Base Running Base runners are not allowed to steal or leadoff. Base runners are not allowed to move up a base on an overthrow. If a hit ball does not leave the infield, base runners can only advance one base. If a hit ball goes into the outfield, base runners may advance as many bases as possible until the ball is back in the infield. When the ball is returned to the infield, play stops regardless of whether a player has possession of the ball.
TB Local Rules Section 6.1.3 Base Running When the ball is returned to the infield, the base runner is awarded the base he/she is advancing to if the base runner has crossed the “hash” mark located halfway to the base he/she is advancing. If player has not crossed the “hash” mark, he/she must go back to prior base touched. If the base runner is exactly on line, he/she must go back to base last touched. Base runners always advance at their own risk. If not on a base and time has not been called by the umpire the base runner can be tagged out.
TB Local Rules Section 6.1.4 Hitting 2 ft. “foul arc” is used for this division. The ball must go past this marking in fair territory (between the foul lines) to be a fair ball. Otherwise it is to be ruled a foul ball. the batter hits the tee and causes the ball to be hit into fair territory, it is ruled a foul ball. team’s batting order consists of all players on there roster for each inning. team’s turn at bat concludes when either: a)The defensive team records 3 outs. b)The team batting scores 7 runs. runs count after the 7th run crosses the plate in any given half inning. If the 7th run is scored before the play ends, the players continue with the play even though no more than 7 runs count. offensive team must notify the umpire when 6 runs have scored in the inning.
TB Local Rules Section 6.1.5 Fielding/Defense play with 10 defensive players (6 infielders and 4 outfielders). Players must play normal positions. cannot cover bases on the initial play. cannot make an unassisted infield out. a ball is hit back to the pitcher, the pitcher, with possession of the ball, may tag an advancing runner for an unassisted out if he/she can do so without taking more than two (2) steps. Otherwise, the pitcher must field and throw the ball to another player at a base to record an out. In the event the pitcher tags an advancing runner after taking more than two (2) steps, the runner is awarded the base to which he/she is advancing..
TB Local Rules Section 6.1.5 Fielding/Defense player may play 1st base or Pitcher for more than one inning. Once a player has played one inning at Pitcher and 1 inning at 1st base, that player’s time for the remainder of the game must be used at other positions and/or sitting out. pitcher must have one foot on the rubber when play begins..
TB Local Rules Section 6.1.6 Field Coaches defensive coaches may be present in the outfield. One coach may be positioned between the Left and Left Center fielder’s normal fielding positions. The other between the Right and Right Center fielder’s normal fielding positions. coaches must stay 15 feet behind the infield designation line.
TB Local Rules Section 6.1.7 Games consist of 4 innings. A new inning cannot start after the game has lasted 1 hour and 30 minutes. the score is tied after the conclusion of the game, the game results in a tie. are assigned umpires for each game that are scheduled in advance. a game is stopped due to darkness or inclement weather, the game is counted as official if 2 innings have been completed or 1 ½ if home team is winning. Every opportunity must be given to complete an inning. If the game is called before 2 full innings are complete, the game is to be made up entirely. attempt should be made to play the game. Teams can play with 8 or more players. If playing with 8 players when the 9 th players turn to bat arrives the team batting would receive 1 out.
TB & CP Local Rules Section 6.1.9 & 6.2.9 Other Rules Manager is to notify the Player Agent when their team is short players. Failure to notify the Player Agent in a timely manner results in a forfeit. other rules follow the Little League Rule book for the current season.
CP Local Rules Section 6.2.2 Field Markings/Dimensions The home team must line the fields. Lining includes the batters box, vertical chalk lines halfway between 1st and 2nd base, 2nd and 3rd base, and 3rd and home plate. The home team must also mark the field with a line to designate the separation of the infield and outfield. The fair territory between this line and home plate is the infield. The fair territory beyond this line is considered the outfield. The line is a semi-circle stretching from foul line to foul line, measuring at 70ft. on both the 1 st and 3 rd base foul lines. The base path distance is 60 ft. The distance of the pitching rubber to home plate is 46 ft.
CP Local Rules Section 6.2.3 Base Running runners are not allowed to steal or leadoff. runners are permitted to advance one base on an overthrow. Example: A base runner is on 1st; a ball is hit to an infielder; then thrown over/ past the defensive player covering a base (that a runner is trying to advance to); base runners may only advance, at their own risk, one additional base (Ex: throw was to 2nd, runner can only advance to 3rd. a hit ball does not leave the infield, base runners can only advance one base. a hit ball goes into the outfield, base runners may advance as many bases as possible until the ball is back in the infield and in a player’s possession.
CP Local Rules Section 6.2.3 Base Running the ball is in possession of a defensive infielder, the base runner is awarded the base he/she is advancing to if the base runner has crossed the “hash” mark located halfwayto the base he/she is advancing. If player has not crossed the “hash” mark, he/she must go back to prior base touched. If the base runner is exactly on line, he/she must go back to base last touched. runners always advance at their own risk. If not on a base and time has not been called by the umpire the base runner can be tagged out.
CP Local Rules Section 6.2.4 Hitting team’s batting order consists of all players on there roster for each inning. team’s turn at bat concludes when either: a)The defensive team records 3 outs. b)The team batting scores 7 runs. runs count after the 7th run crosses the plate in any given half inning. If the 7th run is scored before the play ends, the players continue with the play even though no more than 7 runs count. offensive team must notify the umpire when 6 runs have scored in the inning.
CP Local Rules Section 6.2.5 Fielding/Defense play with 10 defensive players (6 infielders and 4 outfielders). Players must play normal positions. cannot cover bases on the initial play. cannot make an unassisted infield out. pitcher must play on the rubber, 2 ft. to the left, or 2 ft. to the right. The pitcher cannot be positioned in front or behind the rubber at the start of play. Catcher position must be a position that is filled.
CP Local Rules Section 6.2.6 Pitching for the first 4 innings is performed by coaches or team parents. a)Pitches can be thrown from in front of the rubber, on one knee, or in a manner that allows an accurate overhand throw to the batter. b)Pitching machines are not permitted to be used. in the 5th inning is performed by players in which: a)Players will be limited to throwing 35 pitches. b)Upon reaching the pitch count limit, the player may continue pitching to the player currently at bat until the at bat is completed. c)Days of rest are to adhere to the limits permitted for players 10 and under in the LITTLE LEAGUE CURRENT YEAR RULE BOOK (see Regulation VI – Pitchers). d)All other pitching rules will coincide with rules printed in LITTLE LEAGUE YEAR RULE BOOK.
CP Local Rules Section 6.2.6 Pitching After pitching in a game, players are not permitted to pitch again until after their next regularly scheduled game. Example: A pitcher makes 25 pitches in a game on Wednesday night. The team’s next scheduled game is on Saturday with another game scheduled for the following Tuesday. The player is not permitted to pitch at all in the game on Saturday and can pitch again in the game scheduled for Tuesday. a) d) All other pitching rules will coincide with rules printed in LITTLE LEAGUE YEAR RULE BOOK.
CP Local Rules Section 6.2.7 Games consist of 5 innings. A new inning cannot start after the game has lasted 2 hours. the score is tied after the conclusion of the game, the game results in a tie. mercy rule takes effect if one team is leading by 13 or more runs after 4 complete innings or 3 ½ if home team is winning. are assigned umpires for each game that are scheduled in advance.
CP Local Rules Section 6.2.7 Games a game is stopped due to darkness or inclement weather, the game is counted as official if 4 innings have been completed or 3 ½ if home team is winning. Every opportunity must be given to complete an inning. If the game is called before 4 full innings are complete, the game is to be made up entirely. attempt should be made to play the game. Teams can play with 8 or more players. If playing with 8 players when the 9th players turn to bat arrives the team batting would receive 1 out.
Little League Rules 1. Position on the field a. Come to a complete stop before making a call. b. It is okay to take time to make the call. Let the play happen. c. Make your call clear and loud. 2. Fair or Foul a. Where the ball is when it is touched or passes by 1s or 3 rd. b. Does not matter where the player is - fair or foul territory. 3. Runner Interference a. Runner interferes with the fielder trying to make a play on a batted ball. b. Runner is out, ball is dead, no other runners can advance. c. If ball passes by the infielder making the play and runner runs into the infielder the runner is not out.
Little League Rules 4. Runner is out when a. Passing a preceding runner before preceding runner is out or safe. b. Running 3ft. Outside the baseline unless trying to avoid interference. c. Does not attempt to slide or give him/herself up when the fielder has the ball and is waiting to make the tag. d. Slides head first into any base (1 team warning), next runner is out. Note: You are allowed to slide head first going back to a base. e. Batted ball hits a runner before going through a fielder who makes an attempt on the ball. f. Two runners on the base last runner is out when tagged. g. Runner who passes 1 st base, stays in fair territory, and does not make an effort to go to 2 nd base can safely return to 1 st base even if tagged going back to 1 st. h. Any base coach physically assists to return or advance to a base – umpire judgment. i. 1 st base collision – umpire judgment.
Little League Rules 5. Obstruction Defense a. Defensive player may not abstract batter-runner from obtaining a base unless they are making a play on a batted ball or have the ball waiting to make a tag. b. If obstruction occurs let play continue. It is the umpire judgment to award bases that the runner would have obtained if the runner had not been obstructed. 6. Batting out of order a. No Penalty in Tee Ball. b. Batter who missed at bat will bat again when his/her turn in rotation arrives again. c. Offensive coach can place correct batter in batters box any time before the improper batter becomes a runner and proper batter will assume the count as is. d. When the improper batter becomes a runner or is put out the defensive team must appeal to the umpire before the first pitch to the next batter. The umpire will declare proper batter out and nullify any advance or score of runners from the batted ball of the improper batter. If no appeal is made the batter shall be determined the proper batter and the order will continue from there.
Rule 7.13 Runner leaving the Base Early
Rule 7.13 Note: In Tee Ball, base runners must stay in contact with the base until the ball is hit. When players have advanced as far as possible without being put out or having been retired, the umpire shall call “time” and place the ball on the tee.
Rule 7.13 Maj/Min: When a pitcher is in contact with the pitcher’s plate and in possession of the ball AND the catcher in in the catcher’s box ready to receive the delivery of the ball …
Rule 7.13 Base runners shall not leave their base UNTIL the ball has been delivered AND has reached the batter. Violation by ONE runner affects ALL runners!!!!
Rule 7.13(a) When a runner leaves early and the batter does NOT hit the ball, allow the play to continue. IF the runner is put OUT, he is OUT. If he is SAFE, all runners must return to their original base occupied before the pitch.
Rule 7.13(b) When a runner leaves early and the batter does hit the ball, allow the play to continue. IF the runner is put OUT, he is OUT. If he is SAFE, all runners must return to their original base OR to the unoccupied base nearest to their original base.
Rule 7.13(b) In no event shall a batter advance beyond 1 st base on a single or error, 2 nd base on a double or 3 rd base on a triple. The umpire-in-chief shall determine the value of the hit.
Rule 7.13(c) When a runner leaves early and the batter hits or bunts the ball WITHIN the infield, NO runners will be allowed to score.
Rule 7.13(c) If the bases were loaded, the batter reaches 1 st base safely and all runners advance one base, then the runner who was on 3 rd base will NOT score … and NO out is recorded. This is known as the “POOF” play.
Rule 7.13 When a runner leaves early, the base umpire should immediately drop a red signal flag OR his hat to indicate the violation.
Umpire Expectations 1. Arrive at least 10 minutes before the game 2. Ensure field is properly lined 3. Cover Ground Rules before the game with Managers 4. Know Little League rules (read rule book) 5. Have the Little League rule book with you 6. If you cannot make your assigned umpire date you must find a replacement. If the game is within 24 hours of play and you have not found a replacement notify the Umpire Coordinator with the names of the replacement umpires you contacted and that you were unsuccessful in finding a replacement.
Ground Rules TB 1.Only person to address the umpire is the head coach. 2.No judgment call shall be disputed by any coach. 3.If a parent or coach is ejected from the game so is the head coach. 4.Base runners must stay on the base until the ball is hit. 5.Base runners cannot advance on an overthrow. 6.Infield hit base runners may only advance 1 base. 7.Ball hit to outfield runners may advance as many bases as they can until the ball hits the infield dirt. If runner has not crossed the hash mark he/she must go back to the prior base touched. 8.Runners advance at own risk always. 9.Offensive team must notify umpire when 6 runs are scored.
Ground Rules TB 10. Fielders must play in normal positions. Fielders must play in normal positions. 10 defensive players (6 infielders and 4 outfielders) 11. Outfielders cannot make an unassisted infield out nor can they cover a base on the initial play. 12. Pitcher must make an overhand throw to first base. Cannot roll the ball or throw into the dirt with intent to roll the ball. 13. Pitcher, with possession of the ball, may tag an advancing runner for an unassisted out if he/she can do so without taking 2 or more steps. Otherwise pitcher must field and throw the ball. Runner will be awarded the base they are advancing to if the pitcher takes more than 2 steps and tags the runner.
Ground Rules TB 14. No player may play 1 st base or pitcher for more than 1 inning. 15. 2 defensive coaches may be present in the outfield. One in left field and one in right. Must stay 15 ft. behind the infield designated line.
Ground Rules CP 1.Only person to address the umpire is the head coach. 2.No judgment call shall be disputed by any coach. 3.If a parent or coach is ejected from the game so is the head coach. 4.Base runners must stay on the base until the ball is hit. 5.Base runners at their own risk can advance 1 base on an overthrow. After the first overthrow base runners may not advance additional bases. 6.Infield hit base runners may only advance 1 base. 7.Ball hit to outfield runners may advance as many bases as they can until the ball is in possession of a defensive infielder. If runner has not crossed the hash mark he/she must go back to the prior base touched.
Ground Rules CP 8. Runners advance at own risk always. 9. Offensive team must notify umpire when 6 runs are scored. 10. Fielders must play in normal positions. 10 defensive players (6 infielders and 4 outfielders) 11. Outfielders cannot make an unassisted infield out nor can they cover a base on the initial play. 11. The pitcher must play on the rubber, 2 ft. to the left, or 2 ft. to the right. The pitcher cannot be positioned in front or behind the rubber at the start of play. 12.The catcher position must be filled. 13.First 4 innings coach can pitch from in front of the rubber, on one knee, or in any manner that allows an accurate overhand throw to the batter.
Ground Rules CP 14. 5 th Inning pitching is performed by players and pitcher is limited to 35 pitches. 15. Upon reaching the pitch count limit the pitcher is permitted to continue to pitch to a current batter until the at bat is complete. 16. No Balks. If the pitcher does not deliver a valid pitch the umpire will call time and allow the pitcher to reset. 17. Mercy rule takes effect if 1 team is leading by 13 or more runs after 4 complete innings or 3-1/2 if the home team is winning. It is up to the discretion of the managers to continue playing the remaining inning. If the choice is made to play the inning will not count to the outcome of the game.
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