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Intel Master Teachers Training Program. ALLIED SCHOOLS.

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Presentation on theme: "Intel Master Teachers Training Program. ALLIED SCHOOLS."— Presentation transcript:

1 Intel Master Teachers Training Program. ALLIED SCHOOLS

2 Ali Abdullah Allied Schools Head Office Date:17-09-2015 Presented By:

3 Students Centered Learning Topic

4 Presentation Outline  Introduction of the Topic  Benefits of Students Centered Learning  Affects of Students Centered Learning  Conclusion  References  Q & A

5  Student Centered Learning is a teaching methodology in which students learning prospective is majorly focussed and students acts as active participants.  In SCL Teacher performs as a facilitator which takes the responsibility not only to teach the students but also make them to learn some thing. Student Centered Learning

6  Major Goals  Facilitates the students  Collaboration  Authentic Tasks  Practical Environment Student Centered Learning

7  Benefits  Active Participants  Brainstorming  Individual Needs & Interests  Pursue the Topics More Deeply  Challenge Handling Student Centered Learning

8  Benefits  Take Initiative  Students can Make Choices  Integration of Practice World Issues  Confidence & Self Direction  Formative Assessment Student Centered Learning

9  Affects  Learning & Innovation Skills  Creativity & Innovation  Critical Thinking & Problem Solving  Communication & Collaboration

10 Student Centered Learning  Affects  Media & Technology Skills  Information Literacy  Media Literacy  ICT (Information, Communication & Technology)

11 Student Centered Learning  Affects  Life & Career Skills  Flexibility & Adaptability  Self Direction  Social & Cross Cultural Skills  Leadership & Responsibility

12 Conclusion

13 Not only Teaching but Learning Suggestion

14 References Intel Teach Program Essentials Course



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