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Masterclass 2011 in the U.S. Ken Cecire University of Notre Dame/QuarkNet

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1 Masterclass 2011 in the U.S. Ken Cecire University of Notre Dame/QuarkNet

2 IPPOG Spring Meeting 14 April 2011 2 Items to Report Statistics and developments LHC masterclasses Changes and adjustments for 2011 Observations Future plans

3 IPPOG Spring Meeting 14 April 2011 3 2011 (2010) (2009) Statistics 21 (22) (23) U.S. institutes 3 institutes had double masterclasses. 2 participated with CERN rather than FNAL. 6 (2) (2) institute(s) from outside U.S. Wien and Shizuoka continued. Added Medellin, Montreal, Shanghai, Vancouver x2. 10 (7) (7) videoconferences at Fermilab Each had 3-4 participating institutes. >500 (>500) (>350) students

4 IPPOG Spring Meeting 14 April 2011 4 2011 Overall Developments All groups did LHC masterclasses–ATLAS or CMS–this year. Evaluation limited to surveys Student survey Teacher survey M.J. Young & Associates with QuarkNet fellows and participating teachers Variations for larger numbers of students Double masterclasses (Spearfish, Hampton) Double videoconferences (Baltimore) Special International Masterclass arrangements Pacific Rim Transatlantic

5 IPPOG Spring Meeting 14 April 2011 5 Classroom Prep Plan Data indicates prep matters. Emphasize learner objectives. Recommend ~3 hrs., 3 activities: Rolling with Rutherford Quark Workbench Top Quark Mass

6 IPPOG Spring Meeting 14 April 2011 6 LHC Masterclasses Worked! High satisfaction reported by mentors (Some missed LEP, though.) LHC Exercises: ATLAS Z-path CMS J/  -path Combination and transmission of results Record results using Google spreadsheet. Make histogram using Shodor (or other method). Put histogram in Google presentation. One moderator suggestion: Use Indico.

7 IPPOG Spring Meeting 14 April 2011 Observations Classroom preparation materials Gave teachers hands-on resources. Emphasized that learner objectives should be met. Reused prep from 2010  change for 2012 and LHC? Meeting goals Much positive feedback on overall masterclass day and on exercises Videoconference less popular

8 IPPOG Spring Meeting 14 April 2011 Plans Growth Did not seek growth in U.S. numbers in 2011. International dimension grew  good for students! International partners Further growth in Asia, Canada, Latin America? Videoconference times  threading the needle (but it works). Transatlantic connection robust but could use more partners. Follow-on Use of “Web 2.0” robust—keep going. Continue to adjust for LHC.

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