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Published byEgbert Logan Modified over 9 years ago
1 Using Cleaner Production to Facilitate the Implementation of Multilateral Environmental Agreements
2 Focus on Specific MEAs: UN Framework Convention on Climate Change and Kyoto Protocol Wanna Tanunchaiwatana UNFCCC Secretariat
3 Contents Possible Roles of NCPCs Overview of the UNFCCC and KP Mechanisms for Implementation CDM and Technology Information System Potential Activities for CP Centres
4 UNFCCC - Overview A global legal instrument on the control and management of greenhouse gases (GHG) which are not controlled by the Montreal Protocol Adopted: 1992; Entered into force:1994 Status of participation: 186 Parties Contains 2 Annexes: –Annex 1: countries with obligations to reduce GHG –Annex 2: countries with funding obligations Affiliated instruments: –Kyoto Protocol
5 Kyoto Protocol (KP) –Commitments: industrialized countries to achieve quantified targets for decreasing their greenhouse gas emissions –Adopted: 1997; not yet in force; –Status of Ratification: 94 Parties, but only 37.1% of global GHG emissions; 55% needed for Protocol to enter into force (as of 17 Sept. 2002)
6 Ultimate Objective of the UNFCCC To achieve stabilisation of greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere at a level that would prevent dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system
7 Annex A of KP Greenhouse gases: –Carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) –Methane (CH 4 ) –Nitrous Oxide (NO 2 ) –Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) –Perfluorocarbons (PFCs) –Sulphur hexafluoride (SF 6 ) –Importance of each gas is based on Global Warming Potential (GWP)
8 Sectors/Source Categories - Annex A (KP) Energy – fuel combustion (energy industries, manufacturing, etc.) – fugitive emissions (oil/natural gas, solid fuels, etc.) Industrial Processes – mineral products, chemical industry, metal production, other production, production and consumption of halocarbons and sulphur hexafluoride Solvent and other product use Agriculture Waste
9 Constituted Bodies (I) Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice (SBSTA): provide advice to the COP on scientific and technological matters relating to the Convention. Conference of the Parties (COP): the supreme body of the Convention, shall keep under regular review the implementation of the Convention and any related legal instrument that the COP may adopt, and meet annually. COP-8 will be held on 23 October - 2 November 2002, in New Delhi, India.
10 Constituted Bodies (II) Relevant international and national bodies: –Global Environment Facility (GEF) - the operating entity of the financial mechanism of the Convention –Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) –National UNFCCC focal points –National designated CDM authorities Subsidiary Body for Implementation (SBI): to assist the COP in the review and assessment of the effective implementation of the Convention.
11 Mechanisms under the Kyoto Protocol Emissions trading - can be used as supplementary to actions to meet reduction commitments between developed country Parties Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) - developing country Parties can volunteer to reduce emissions via joint activities with developed country Parties (Art. 12) Joint Implementation - Article 6 projects between developed country Parties
12 Financial Provisions –GEF is the operating entity of the financial mechanism and the main funding channel for developing countries – Special Climate Change Fund (UNFCCC) - will fund projects relating to capacity building, technology transfer, climate change mitigation activities, economic diversification for countries highly dependent on fossil fuel – Least developed countries Fund (UNFCCC) - will fund a special work programme to assist LDCs – Adaptation Fund (KP)
13 Clean Development Mechanism –to assist developed country Parties in complying with their KP commitments Goals of CDM: –to promote sustainable development while minimizing the cost of limiting GHG emissions; –to contribute to the attainment of objective of the Convention;
14 Clean Development Mechanism How it works: –projects to assist the host country to achieve national sustainable development goal; –projects emissions have to be below approved baseline; –project monitoring in accordance with approved plan –CERs are verified and certified by accredited body
15 Clean Development Mechanism –CERs are transferred to the investment country (developed country Party/Annex B Party) How it works: –CERs are verified and certified by accredited body
16 Clean Development Mechanism The operational entities will play a crucial role by checking whether projects confirm with the CDM’s rules; Operational Entities On 20 August 2002, the CDM Executive Board has announced that companies and other organizations may now start applying for accreditation as “operational entities” of the CDM;
18 Technology Information System In order to address the needs of information on environmentally sound technologies, the Convention secretariat has designed and developed a web-based technology transfer information system/clearing house (TT:CLEAR).
19 Characteristic I It has the potential to act as a gateway for fast access to up-to-date information on the latest technology transfer projects and case studies of successful technology transfer, environmentally sound technologies and know-how. Targets experts from all stakeholders involved in the process of technology transfer. Complements and works with existing web sites and clearing houses of other relevant international organizations and national/regional technology information centres.
20 Characteristic II Includes an innovative search engine
21 Contents Inventory of technology cooperation projects. The inventory contains at present some 1,650 projects and programmes, including : –Projects cited in National Communications of Annex I Parties; –Projects cited in initial national communications of Parties not included in Annex I to the Convention; –Projects cited in submissions from Parties within the consultative process
22 –Some multilateral projects and programmes such as non-GEF related activities of UNEP, UNDP, UNIDO, regional development banks and other multilateral implementing agencies; –Activities Implemented Jointly projects; –Global Environmental Facility: climate projects and programmes; –Some bilateral projects not reported in national communications of Annex I Parties,
23 o An inventory of methods, models and tools covering different aspects of mitigation of and adaptation to climate change; o Over 40 case studies and/or success stories on technology transfer*; o 600 links to relevant web sites, including national web sites as provided by Parties in their submissions;
24 o Information on development and transfer of technologies under UNFCCC o A database of organizations and experts involved in the development and transfer of technologies; o Preliminary databases of mitigation and adaptation technologies; o A technology forum, including a web board and chat rooms.
25 HOW TO ACCESS TT:CLEAR 1. Go to 2. Register. 3. Wait for the activation of your account. A confirmation e-mail will be sent to you.
26 Potential Activities for CP Centres –Raise awareness of CDM opportunities among local key industries UNFCCC Implementation –submit projects to GEF under its climate change focal area through national operational focal point of GEF within the government –actively engage in technology needs assessments project with the national focal point of the UNFCCC KP implementation –propose CDM projects
27 Summary: develop an action plan Possible Roles of the NCPCs
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