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 After today’s lesson, students will be able to…  Define interest group and describe what, why, and how they influence public policy  Essential Skill.

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Presentation on theme: " After today’s lesson, students will be able to…  Define interest group and describe what, why, and how they influence public policy  Essential Skill."— Presentation transcript:


2  After today’s lesson, students will be able to…  Define interest group and describe what, why, and how they influence public policy  Essential Skill  Explicitly asses information and draw conclusions


4  A private organization that advocates for certain policies  Purpose: To influence policymakers and support candidates that favor their policies  Stimulate interest in public affairs  Represent their members  Provide policymakers with technical expertise  Provide an opportunity for political participation  Act as a watchdog on the government

5  Pushes a narrow agenda  Can exclude other viewpoints on issues  Too much influence

6  Economic  Business (largest type of interest group)  Labor Unions (declining)  Agriculture  Professional  Doctors, lawyers, etc.

7  Environmental Groups (fast growing)  Equality  NAACP, NOW  Others  ACLU, Religious groups

8  Influence Public Opinion  Supply the public info on issues  Use propaganda to persuade public to support its policy positions  Influencing Policymakers  Money (Political Action Committee or PACS)  Lobbying  Grassroots campaigning (letter writing, public pressure)  Litigation  Expertise

9  Grab an IPad  Follow the directions on the sheet and fill out each box  Be prepared to discuss your findings!

10  What is the most valuable function that a interest group has?  Do you think we need interest groups? Why or Why Not?

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