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Pre-requisites for positioning your offer Marketing strategy: iutenligne resource no. 269 Marketing objectives: iutenligne resource no. 272 Customer targeting:

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Presentation on theme: "Pre-requisites for positioning your offer Marketing strategy: iutenligne resource no. 269 Marketing objectives: iutenligne resource no. 272 Customer targeting:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Pre-requisites for positioning your offer Marketing strategy: iutenligne resource no. 269 Marketing objectives: iutenligne resource no. 272 Customer targeting: iutenligne resource no. 265 Laurence Chérel - Catherine Madrid IUT Tech de Co Bordeaux 1

2 Subsequent links  with product, price, distribution and communication policies Laurence Chérel - Catherine Madrid IUT Tech de Co Bordeaux 2

3 Objectives in terms of content: - Understand the concept of positioning - Define a positioning in the marketing strategy Laurence Chérel - Catherine Madrid IUT Tech de Co Bordeaux 3

4 Objectives in terms of expertise: Understand the issues involved in positioning the offer, Choose a relevant positioning, Pinpoint positioning errors. Laurence Chérel - Catherine Madrid IUT Tech de Co Bordeaux 4

5 Why define a positioning? Laurence Chérel - Catherine Madrid IUT Tech de Co Bordeaux n Congested markets  difficult for the consumer to distinguish between offers n To prevent trivialization  position the offer 5

6 Defining the positioning Laurence Chérel - Catherine Madrid IUT Tech de Co Bordeaux Demonstrate the value of the product in the consumer’s mind compared to competitive products through the expression of differences  objective  or imaginary that are desired by the market 6

7 The conditions for good positioning: the positioning reference triangle Laurence Chérel - Catherine Madrid IUT Tech de Co Bordeaux Product characteristics: coherent differentiation Competitive brand positioning: exclusive differentiation Market expectations: a decisive differentiation for the consumer. 7

8 Example: The free daily newspaper Direct Matin: - Associated with major regional daily press brands (Sud- Ouest, La Voix du Nord, Le Progrès, La Provence, Midi Libre, La Dépêche du Midi) to offer 3 or 4 pages of local news every day. - Mostly distributed from display stands. Laurence Chérel - Catherine Madrid IUT Tech de Co Bordeaux 8

9 Reference triangle for « Direct Matin » Laurence Chérel - Catherine Madrid IUT Tech de Co Bordeaux 9 Product characteristics: Type of news, Distribution method Competitive brand positioning: The only free daily to offer this distribution method Market expectations: proximity and undeniable practicality for young, working, urban readers.

10 The conditions for a good positioning:  the differentiation must also be: Communicable Defendable Accessible to the consumer Profitable for the company Laurence Chérel - Catherine Madrid IUT Tech de Co Bordeaux 10

11 Positioning areas: various options Product-based –Certain product characteristics Enriched with Vitamin D –Solutions to a problem Palmolive for sensitive skins –Opportunities for use Washing liquid for black clothing –User categories Jacques Dessange anti-ageing –By creating a new category “The healthy way to start the day” –…–… Laurence Chérel - Catherine Madrid IUT Tech de Co Bordeaux 11

12 Service-based positioning: –Practicality Change your subscription package with Bouygues Télécom –Delivery 24-hour –Installation –Advice –After-sales service –Employees in contact with the customers –…–… Laurence Chérel - Catherine Madrid IUT Tech de Co Bordeaux 12

13 Positioning errors “Under-positioning” –The failure of Pepsi colourless The positioning that lacks credibility –The “best product in the world”… Narrow positioning –Cactus-shaped Mexican biscuits Confusing positioning –BHV Laurence Chérel - Catherine Madrid IUT Tech de Co Bordeaux 13

14 Positioning strategies Laurence Chérel - Catherine Madrid IUT Tech de Co Bordeaux Very poorVery good weakTake no action Reinforcer the hallmark attribute’s decisive characteristic strong Improve the product evaluation based on its hallmark attribute Maintain the positioning Product evaluation based on its hallmark attribute The hallmark attribute’s decisive characteristic 14

15 The desired positioning The company makes choices in the mix that aim to express the distinctive characteristics that it would like to see consumers assign to the product. Laurence Chérel - Catherine Madrid IUT Tech de Co Bordeaux 15

16 Perceived positioning Corresponds to the characteristics that the consumer assigns to the product Laurence Chérel - Catherine Madrid IUT Tech de Co Bordeaux 16

17 The tools used to analyze positioning Perceptual analysis: this uses surveys to pinpoint the decisive hallmark attributes in the consumer’s mind and his perception of the various offers on the market Perceptual maps (mapping): –These are used to pinpoint the brands that are perceived in a similar way, –To pinpoint the brands whose positioning is isolated, –To show the discrepancy between the desired positioning and the perceived positioning. Laurence Chérel - Catherine Madrid IUT Tech de Co Bordeaux 17

18 Diagrammatic representation Laurence Chérel - Catherine Madrid IUT Tech de Co Bordeaux 18 Differentiation criterion A Differentiation criterion B Brand A Brand C Brand B Brand D

19 An example of the perception of women’s magazines Laurence Chérel - Catherine Madrid IUT Tech de Co Bordeaux Dream The others Nous deux Intimité Femme actuelle Avantages Prima Modes and travaux Marie Claire Elle Madame Figaro Marie France Me Reality Seduction Practical Escape 19

20 To summarize: Positioning: - highlighting the differences to enhance the company’s offer in the customers’ eyes compared to the competition - to avoid anonymity in congested markets Laurence Chérel - Catherine Madrid IUT Tech de Co Bordeaux 20

21 Once you’ve defined the positioning, YOU MUST express it through the product, price, distribution and communication (mix). Laurence Chérel - Catherine Madrid IUT Tech de Co Bordeaux 21

22 Further reading: PRLJEVIC Mirjana (2007) - La stratégie de positionnement comme clef de succès. – Paris: l’Harmattan (Gestion, Management, Entreprises), 124 pages. Laurence Chérel - Catherine Madrid IUT Tech de Co Bordeaux 22

23 Knowledge check quiz Laurence Chérel - Catherine Madrid IUT Tech de Co Bordeaux 23

24 Laurence Chérel - Catherine Madrid IUT Tech de Co Bordeaux 24

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