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单击添加标题内容. Presentation to XXX February 2006 Agenda The Team Your Objectives Who are DTZ? What do we do? Why DTZ? Q&A.

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Presentation on theme: "单击添加标题内容. Presentation to XXX February 2006 Agenda The Team Your Objectives Who are DTZ? What do we do? Why DTZ? Q&A."— Presentation transcript:

1 单击添加标题内容

2 Presentation to XXX February 2006

3 Agenda The Team Your Objectives Who are DTZ? What do we do? Why DTZ? Q&A

4 Tony Brothwell Fund Manager Tony Brothwell Fund Manager Sean Brew Property Management Sean Brew Property Management Malcolm Naish Head of DTZ Investment Management Malcolm Naish Head of DTZ Investment Management Elliot Glausiusz Strategy Elliot Glausiusz Strategy Elliot Glausiusz Strategy The Team

5 Your Objectives 4% Real £440m 75:25

6 Investment management since 1968 Founded in 1784 Public since 1987 Turnover £194.4m Profit £18.5m 9,000 staff (1,500 + UK) 192 offices in 40 countries To work with clients to create leading edge property, investment and business solutions worldwide Who Are ?

7 Who Are ? ? Our philosophy concentrates on adding value through purchasing properties and undertaking asset management initiatives that focus on business investment and occupier needs.

8 Management Strategy Investment What Do We Do?

9 Occupier Focused Philosophy Superior Performance Execution 1,500 UK Staff Strategic Fit

10 Occupier Focused Philosophy Superior Performance Execution1,500 UK Staff Strategic Fit

11 Balanced Performance Value Growth

12 Balanced Performance Value Growth

13 Balanced Performance Value Growth

14 Balanced Performance Value Growth

15 Balanced Performance Value Growth

16 Occupier Focused Philosophy Superior Performance Execution1,500 UK Staff Strategic Fit

17 Occupier Focused Philosophy Management Strategy Investment

18 Occupier Focused Philosophy Management Strategy Investment Strategy

19 Strategy Economic Forecasting (5) International Real Estate (15) Real Estate Forecasting (5) Capital Markets (7) Office RetailIndustrial Residential Forecasting, Spatial analysis, Economics Direct & Indirect, Manager Research

20 Occupier Focused Philosophy Management Strategy Investment Occupier Focused

21 Investment Sector Identification Flexible Buildings Dynamic Local Economies

22 Price:£12.2m EQY:5.38% Core centre Multi-use, multi-let Investment

23 Occupier Focused Philosophy Management Strategy Investment Occupier Focused

24 Occupier Focused Philosophy Management Strategy Investment Occupier Focused Occupier Focused

25 Occupier Focused Judging Panel commenting on DTZ’s award in the Asset Management category We were impressed with the wide range of tactics applied to a number of different assets classes and the strength and fit of skills sets employed to deliver strong results.

26 Occupier Focused Philosophy Management Strategy Investment Occupier Focused

27 Occupier Focused Philosophy Management Strategy Investment

28 Occupier Focused Philosophy Superior Performance Execution 1,500 UK Staff Strategic Fit

29 Execution William Mather, Group Pensions Executive, Imperial Tobacco Pensions Fund …Tony and the team have been fantastic.

30 Stock Sourcing 2001 - 2005 Off Market On Market

31 Occupier Focused Philosophy Superior Performance Execution1,500 UK Staff Strategic Fit

32 1,500 UK Staff Local Knowledge Stock Sourcing Stock Evaluation Management

33 Occupier Focused Philosophy Superior Performance Execution1,500 UK Staff Strategic Fit

34 Portfolio Approach Investment Choice Investment Choice Client Requirements Client Requirements

35 Client Service Approach Investment Choice Investment Choice Client Requirements Client Requirements

36 Client Requirements Client Requirements DTZ Approach 4% Real £440m 75:25

37 Strategic Fit 4% Real £440m 75:25

38 Strategic Fit Management Strategy Investment 4% Real £440m 75:25

39 Occupier Focused Philosophy Superior Performance Execution 1,500 UK Staff Strategic Fit

40 Thank ~

41 演绎精灵 海量精品 PPT 模板下载站 每一份 PPT 都在 8 页以上,要做就做精品! QQ 分享交流群 1: 202145845 QQ 分享交流群 2: 422208004 微信公众号 : 演绎精灵( pptelf ) 精选 PPT 模板免费分享 不定期赠送精品 PPT 模板

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