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Monday, October 26 th Entry Task Write two questions you have about chapter 4 and/or the test. Schedule: Chapter 4 quiz 19.1 Electric charge Homework:

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Presentation on theme: "Monday, October 26 th Entry Task Write two questions you have about chapter 4 and/or the test. Schedule: Chapter 4 quiz 19.1 Electric charge Homework:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Monday, October 26 th Entry Task Write two questions you have about chapter 4 and/or the test. Schedule: Chapter 4 quiz 19.1 Electric charge Homework: Finish 19.1 Reading and notes (your own notes, do on page 49 in notebook Objective: I can be assessed on information about heat and temperature Please Have on Desk: Chapter 4 review (ISN p. 47) 1

2 Tuesday, October 27 th Entry Task Answer the following questions using full sentences, IQIA. 1.How do a positive and a negative particle interact? 2.Describe how the movement of electrons between two objects with balanced charges could cause the buildup of electric charge in both objects. 3.A sock and a shirt from the dryer stick together. What does this tell you about the charges on the sock and the shirt? Schedule: Electrical Charge Homework: ISN p 48 Objective: I will be able to explain the 3 parts of an atom and their charges I can understand how objects can be come electrically charged. Please have on your desk: ISN p. 49 2

3 Intro to Atoms Atoms are the building block of all matter Even small objects have millions of atoms Atoms are made of 3 different particles

4 Atoms have charged particles Electric charge is a property of matter. Electrons have a negative charge. 4

5 Electric charge is a property of matter. Protons have a positive charge. Atoms have charged particles 5

6 static charge electric charge Electric charge is a property of matter. Unlike (opposite) charges attract. Atoms have charged particles 6

7 static charge electric charge Atoms have charged particles Electric charge is a property of matter. Like charges repel. 7

8 Atoms have an electric charge. Atoms have a charge because they are made of particles that have charges. Most atoms have a neutral or balanced charge. Nature or Man can change the charge of atoms. 8

9 Materials can become electrically charged. Objects can gain a static charge when they are rubbed together (friction) Electrons (negative charges) transfer from one object to another Each object then has an electrical charge (either positive or negative). 9

10 Some materials easily give electrons and some easily take electrons away. Materials higher on the list tend to give up electrons to those lower on the list Materials can become electrically charged. 10

11 Materials can become electrically charged. Static charges are caused by the movement of electrons, resulting in an imbalance of positive and negative charges. At first, a balloon and a glass tube each have balanced, neutral charges. 11

12 Materials can become electrically charged. Static charges are caused by the movement of electrons, resulting in an imbalance of positive and negative charges. When they are rubbed together, electrons move from the rod to the balloon. 12

13 Some materials easily give electrons and some easily take electrons away. Materials higher on the list tend to give up electrons to those lower on the list Materials can become electrically charged. 13

14 Materials can become electrically charged. Static charges are caused by the movement of electrons, resulting in an imbalance of positive and negative charges. Afterwards, the balloon has a negative charge and the rod has a positive charge. Friction caused the movement of electrons 14

15 Wednesday, October 28 th Entry Task What grade do you think you got on the quiz? What might you have done differently to prepare for the quiz? Schedule: Chapter 4 Quiz Reflection Homework Complete Reflection Objective: I can reflect on how well I did on the chapter 4 quiz and make any corrections necessary for the questions I got wrong. Please have on desk: 15

16 Thursday, October 29 th Entry Task 1.Grab a worksheet by the printer. 2.Write down the objectives. 3.Log onto the network and onto your Scratch Account. 4.Do NOT do anything further Schedule: Scratch Objective I understand how gravity is modeled. I can create a simple simulation where a sprite drops through gravity. Homework: Post simulation to today’s studio by Monday morning 16

17 We will model gravity in a simulation Create a new ScratchCreate a new Scratch project. project. Delete the cat.Delete the cat. Add the basketballAdd the basketball from the library. from the library. From the Data category, click Make a Variable and name it speedFrom the Data category, click Make a Variable and name it speed 17

18 Start coding From the Events category, drag “when green flag clicked” into the code section.From the Events category, drag “when green flag clicked” into the code section. From the Data category, drag “set speed to 0” under “when green flag clicked”. Change the 0 to -5 so the speed will be downwards.From the Data category, drag “set speed to 0” under “when green flag clicked”. Change the 0 to -5 so the speed will be downwards. 18

19 From the Control category, drag “forever” to the bottom of the script.From the Control category, drag “forever” to the bottom of the script. From the Motion category, drag “change y by 10” to inside the forever loop.From the Motion category, drag “change y by 10” to inside the forever loop. From the Data category, drag “speed” into where it says “10” so that it now says “change y by speed”From the Data category, drag “speed” into where it says “10” so that it now says “change y by speed” 19

20 This is what your script should look like 20

21 We’ve just created a simple model that has the ball fall at a constant speed.We’ve just created a simple model that has the ball fall at a constant speed. Try yours. Does this look like how a ball falls?Try yours. Does this look like how a ball falls? NO!NO! Stop the program, drag the ball to the top and try changing the - 5 to other values.Stop the program, drag the ball to the top and try changing the - 5 to other values. 21

22 How does the speed change as the ball nears the floor?How does the speed change as the ball nears the floor? We need a model where the speed is constantly getting bigger, but in a negative direction, which is downward for y.We need a model where the speed is constantly getting bigger, but in a negative direction, which is downward for y. 22

23 Gravity model rules 1.When an object is first dropped, its speed is zero. 2.Each time in the forever loop, the speed becomes a little more negative. 3.Each time in the forever loop, the y value changes by the speed. 23

24 Stop the project if it is running.Stop the project if it is running. Add code to always start in the same place, at the top of the screen. From the Motion category, drag a “move to x: __ y: __” block under the “when green flag clicked” block.Add code to always start in the same place, at the top of the screen. From the Motion category, drag a “move to x: __ y: __” block under the “when green flag clicked” block. Change the x value to 0 and the y value to 140.Change the x value to 0 and the y value to 140. 24

25 Change the “set speed to -5” to “set speed to 0”. This is the first rule of the model.Change the “set speed to -5” to “set speed to 0”. This is the first rule of the model. Add a new line in the forever loop that changes speed by -1.Add a new line in the forever loop that changes speed by -1. From the Data category, choose “change speed by 1” and change the 1 to -1. This is the second rule in the model.From the Data category, choose “change speed by 1” and change the 1 to -1. This is the second rule in the model. 25

26 Your code should look like this Click on the green flag. This looks more real!Click on the green flag. This looks more real! 26

27 Now you will add to the gravity model to make a jumping sprite Choose a character and make it fall, just like you did with the basketball. (you can duplicate code and put it on the new sprite using the backpack!)Choose a character and make it fall, just like you did with the basketball. (you can duplicate code and put it on the new sprite using the backpack!) 27

28 Now you need to add a floor Sprites StageIn the Sprites section, click on Stage. Click on the Backdrops Backdrops tab. 28

29 Click on the rectangle tool and then the solid rectangle and then pick a color.Click on the rectangle tool and then the solid rectangle and then pick a color. 29

30 Drag a thin rectangle across the bottom to create a floor.Drag a thin rectangle across the bottom to create a floor. 30

31 Rules for the model for jumping 4. Sprites don’t fall if they are touching the floor (speed is zero.) 5. A sprite can only jump when it is touching the floor. 6. To jump, set the speed to a positive number (moving upwards.) 31

32 First, we check if the sprite is touching the floor Click on the basketball and then the Scripts tab. Set the “change speed by” to be -0.1, so it will fall slowly. ControlFrom the Control category, drag an “if/then” block into the forever loop before “change y by speed.” 32

33 SensingFrom the Sensing category, drag “touching color?” into the empty diamond after the “if”. Select the color of the floor. DataFrom the Data category, drag “set speed to 0” into the “if/then” block. 33

34 Now your basketball stops on the floor! Copy this code so your other sprite falls to the floor.Copy this code so your other sprite falls to the floor. Next, you want to add code so that the sprite jumps when the space bar is pressed.Next, you want to add code so that the sprite jumps when the space bar is pressed. 34

35 Hints: EventsIn the Events category, there is “when key space pressed”. Drag this to a new part of the screen. This code will be called when the space key is pressed. Check to see if the sprite is touching the floor. It’s the same way as the basketball. If it is, then set the speed to 5. Move the sprite a little up so its not touching the floor. 35

36 The new code should look like this When you press the green flag and then the space bar, the sprite should jump.When you press the green flag and then the space bar, the sprite should jump. 36

37 Advanced students: Add in the ability to move the sprite left and right. Go back to the background and add some other horizontal lines to make a platform game. 37

38 Friday, October 30 th Entry Task Draw a picture of each situation. The carpet and your shoes are both overall neutral (same positive charges as negative charges). Rubbing your shoes on the carpet transfers negative charges (electrons) from the carpet to you. Extra electrons look for a new material to “discharge” to, like a doorknob or other metal. Schedule: 19.2 Read and Notes (ISN p.51) Objective I can understand that charges can move from one place to another. Homework: Anagram (at least 8 letters)- ISN p.50 Please have on desk: Quiz reflection 38

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