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Safety and Liveness. Recall Program –State space Program computation –Of the form Consider the set of all program computations.

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Presentation on theme: "Safety and Liveness. Recall Program –State space Program computation –Of the form Consider the set of all program computations."— Presentation transcript:

1 Safety and Liveness

2 Recall Program –State space Program computation –Of the form Consider the set of all program computations

3 Program Correctness How do we define that a program is correct with respect to its specification? –Intuition: A program is correct if all its computations are in the specification For above intuition to work, the specification should be the set of acceptable sequences of program states

4 Hence, From now on, let specification be a set of infinite sequences of states

5 Example Coke and Pepsi vending machine

6 Safety and Liveness Safety –Intuition: Nothing bad happens Intuition: If something bad happens, it cannot be fixed Intuition: if a sequence violates specification then it does so at some finite point after which it cannot be fixed. –  :  SafetySpec : (  :  is a prefix of    ::   SafetySpec)

7 Safety and Liveness Liveness –Intuition: Something good happens eventually Intuition: No matter what has happened so far, the specification can be met  :  is finite sequence of states:  ::   LivenessSpec

8 Examples of Properties Invariant (S) : Closed (S) : P Leads to Q P Converges to Q P ensures Q

9 Manipulation of Safety/Liveness Properties Union/Intersection of safety and liveness properties

10 Towards Proving spec = safety  liveness S w denotes the set of all computations  S w denotes the set of all computations with prefix  (S w -  S w ) is a safety specification

11 Towards Proving spec = safety  liveness Consider (infinitely many) safety properties sf1, sf2, … –Is the union of them a safety specification? –Is the intersection of them a safety specification?

12 Towards Proving spec = safety  liveness Let spec be the given specification –Consider the set of safety properties sf 1, sf 2, … such that spec  sf i –Consider the intersection of these safety properties Let sf denote this intersection

13 Properties of sf Consider a sequence   sf – spec –Let  be any prefix of  –There must exist  such that   spec –If not spec  (sf  (S w -  S w )), which is a safety specification This is a contradiction as sf is supposed to smallest safety specification containing spec

14 Towards Proving spec = safety  liveness spec = sf  (spec  (S w – sf)) Safety specification Liveness specification

15 Topology based explanation

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