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Lecture 3 Fuzzy sets. 1.1 Sets 1.1.1 Elements of sets An universal set X is defined in the universe of discourse and it includes all possible elements.

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1 Lecture 3 Fuzzy sets

2 1.1 Sets 1.1.1 Elements of sets An universal set X is defined in the universe of discourse and it includes all possible elements related with the given problem. If we define a set A in the universal set X, we see the following relationships A ⊆ X In this case, we say a set A is included in the universal set X. If A is not included in X, this relationship is represented as follows. If an element x is included in the set A, this element is called as a member of the set and the following notation is used. x ∈ A If the element x is not included in the set A, we use the following notation. x ∉ A In general, we represent a set by enumerating its elements. For example, elements a1, a2, a3,…, an are the elements of set A, it is represented as follows. A = {a1, a2,…, an }

3 Another representing method of sets is given by specifying the conditions of elements. For example, if the elements of set B should satisfy the conditions P1, P2,…, Pn, then the set B is defined by the following. B = {b | b satisfies p1, p 2,…, pn } In this case the symbol.|. implies the meaning of.such that.. In order to represent the size of N-dimension Euclidean set, the number of elements is used and this number is called cardinality. The cardinality of set A is denoted by |A|. If the cardinality |A| is a finite number, the set A is a finite set. If |A| is infinite, A is an infinite set. In general, all the points in N-dimensional Euclidean vector space are the elements of the universal set X.

4 1.1.2 Relation between sets A set consists of sets is called a family of sets. For example, a family set containing sets A1, A2,… is represented by {Ai | i ∈ I} where i is a set identifier and I is an identification set. If all the elements in set A are also elements of set B, A is a subset of B. A ⊆ B iff (if and only if) x ∈ A ⇒ x ∈ B The symbol ⇒ means.implication.. If the following relation is satisfied, A ⊆ B and B ⊆ A A and B have the same elements and thus they are the same sets. This relation is denoted by A = B If the following relations are satisfied between two sets A and B, A ⊆ B and A ≠ B then B has elements which is not involved in A. In this case, A is called a proper subset of B and this relation is denoted by A ⊂ B A set that has no element is called an empty set ∅. An empty set can be a subset of any set.

5 1.1.3 Membership If we use membership function (characteristic function or discrimination function), we can represent whether an element x is involved in a set A or not. Definition (Membership function) For a set A, we define a membership function µA such as µ A (x)= 1 if and only if x ∈ A 0 if and only if x ∉ A We can say that the function µA maps the elements in the universal set X to the set {0,1}. µ A : X → {0,1} □ As we know, the number of elements in a set A is denoted by the cardinality |A|. A power set P(A) is a family set containing the subsets of set A. Therefore the number of elements in the power set P(A) is represented by |P(A)| = 2|A| Example 1.1 If A = {a, b, c}, then |A| = 3 P(A) = { ∅, {a}, {b}, {a, b}, {a, c}, {b, c}, {a, b, c}} |P(A)| =23 = 8 □

6 1.2 Operation of Sets 1.2.1 Complement The relative complement set of set A to set B consists of the elements which are in B but not in A. The complement set can be defined by the following formula. If the set B is the universal set X, then this kind of complement is an absolute complement set. That is, In general, a complement set means the absolute complement set. The complement set is always involutive. The complement of an empty set is the universal set, and vice versa.

7 1.2.2 Union The union of sets A and B is defined by the collection of whole elements of A and B. A ∪ B = {x | x ∈ A or x ∈ B} The union might be defined among multiple sets. For example, the union of the sets in the following family can be defined as follows. where the family of sets is {A i | i ∈ I} The union of certain set A and universal set X is reduced to the universal set. A ∪ X = X The union of certain set A and empty set ∅ is A. A ∪ ∅ = A The union of set A and its complement set is the universal set.

8 1.2.3 Intersection The intersection A ∩ B consists of whose elements are commonly included in both sets A and B. A ∩ B = {x | x ∈ A and x ∈ B} The Intersection can be generalized between the sets in a family of sets. where {A i | i ∈ I} is a family of sets The intersection between set A and universal set X is A. A ∩ X = A The intersection of A and empty set is empty set. A ∩ ∅ = ∅ The intersection of A and its complement is all the time empty set. When two sets A and B have nothing in common, the relation is called as disjoint. Namely, it is when the intersection of A and B is empty set. A ∩ B = ∅

9 1.2.4 Partition of Set Definition (Partition) A decomposition of set A into disjoint subsets whose union builds the set A is referred to a partition. Suppose a partition of A is π, π(A)= {Ai | i ∈ I, Ai ⊆ A} then Ai satisfies following three conditions. (1) ∅ ≠iA(2), ∅ =∩jiAAji, ≠Iji ∈, (3) □ AAIii= ∈ UIf there is no condition of (2), π(A) becomes a cover or covering of the set A.

10 1.4 Definition of fuzzy set 1.4.1 Expression for fuzzy set Membership function μA in crisp set maps whole members in universal set X to set {0,1}. μ A : X →{0, 1} Definition (Membership function of fuzzy set) In fuzzy sets, each elements is mapped to [0,1] by membership function. μ A : X →[0, 1] Where [0,1] means real numbers between 0 and 1 (including 0,1). Consequently, fuzzy set is “vague boundary set” comparing with crisp set.

11 Graphical representation of crisp and fuzzy sets




15 Type-n Fuzzy Set Example of type-2 fuzzy set

16 Level-k fuzzy set Example of level-2 fuzzy set

















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