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 介紹 5 種錯誤定位技巧  Tarantula  Set-union  Set-intersection  Nearest Neighbor  Cause Transition.

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Presentation on theme: " 介紹 5 種錯誤定位技巧  Tarantula  Set-union  Set-intersection  Nearest Neighbor  Cause Transition."— Presentation transcript:


2  介紹 5 種錯誤定位技巧

3  Tarantula  Set-union  Set-intersection  Nearest Neighbor  Cause Transition

4  上一篇 Paper 有介紹  多了計算 statement 的 suspiciousness 並且 rank


6  Coverage-based Methods -> A statement is more likely to be buggy if it is visited more often in failed test cases and less often in passed test cases.

7  Assume there are one or more passed test cases {P 0, P 1, P 2, …} and one failed test case f.  Union : the bug is contained in the set { statements executed by f } – { statements executed by any P i }  Intersection : the bug is contained in the set { statements executed by all P i } – { statements executed by f }

8  Neglect test case 1

9  The technique performs poorly in practice – sensitive to particular test cases.

10  Pick a passed test case p which is the nearest to the failed test case f.  Distance between f and p could be defined as: the number of statements in f which are not in p.  Report f-p as the potential bugs.


12  This technique is also sensitive to the particular test cases used.

13  Performs a binary search of the memory states of a program between a passing test case and a failing test case  This technique is part of a suite of techniques defined by Zeller and colleagues called Delta Debugging.  H. Cleve and A. Zeller. Locating causes of program failures.

14  Identify the initial set of blamed statements; rank them the highest  Find statements of distance 1 from the initial set (in both forward and backward direction); rank them the second highest  Find statements of distance 2 and so on.

15  Finish this paper

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