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Trends in the Birth and Death Rates. #1#1 #2#2 #3#3 #4#4 #5#5 #6 Canada has a farm based economy so that many children are needed to help with the chores.

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Presentation on theme: "Trends in the Birth and Death Rates. #1#1 #2#2 #3#3 #4#4 #5#5 #6 Canada has a farm based economy so that many children are needed to help with the chores."— Presentation transcript:

1 Trends in the Birth and Death Rates

2 #1#1 #2#2 #3#3 #4#4 #5#5 #6 Canada has a farm based economy so that many children are needed to help with the chores and families are large The global stock market crashed and millions of people lost their savings and jobs, drought led to dust storms and the loss of many farms. The government expands the army. Soldiers need guns, airplanes, ships, boots, uniforms etc... creating jobs for every man or woman who wanted one. Canadian companies are helping to rebuild Europe and making a lot of money doing so leading to a strong economy. First recessions in decade with many people out of work. The women’s movement and the ‘pill’ start a change in society and planning family size becomes common. Public health (vaccinations and medicines) Medical technology (defibrillators, transplants Diet (knowledge of healthy foods) Laws (workplace safety, drunk driving)

3 The Roaring 20s Back to graph

4 The Dirty 30s - Depression Back to graph

5 Wartime Economy Back to graph

6 Baby Boom Back to graph

7 Post Baby Boom Back to graph

8 Lowering Death Rate Back to graph

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