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Presentation on theme: "LAMOST 补充星系样本和LAMOST-SDSS星系对样本"— Presentation transcript:

1 LAMOST 补充星系样本和LAMOST-SDSS星系对样本
沈世银 上海天文台

2 LAMOST 星系巡天计划 North Galactic Cap South Galactic Cap
Complementary galaxy sample South Galactic Cap Main galaxy sample Emission line galaxy Two complete fields(Wu Hong)

3 Complementary galaxy sample
SDSS main sample galaxies r<17.77 Spectroscopic completeness >90% ~7% missed due to fiber collision effect Input catalog of LAMOST 68,722 objects Biased towards (small scale) high density environment, e.g. galaxy pair, triplet/quartlet, compact group

4 Galaxy pair sample in SDSS are strongly biased
towards large separation and low redshift

5 Current status Complementary galaxy with LAMOST spectra
DR2 ( ): 3456 Why very small fraction? Lower priority than QSO targets Few Medium plates Low S/N Y3 ( ): 2620

6 Redshift measurements
In DR2, 3456 complementary galaxies have LAMOST spectra Only 1951 have redshifts measured by LAMOST 1-D pipeline We developed a new PCA-redshift measurement code 2796 with redshift measured, increased about 25%

7 Early science: new galaxy pairs
Galaxy pairs are one of the key ingredients to study the galaxy merging and galaxy interaction. How to define a galaxy pair? Non-trivial P<100kpc dV<500km/s

8 Galaxy pair sample (Shen et al., 2015)
1,102 galaxy pairs (P<100kpc, dV<500km/s) Visual inspection

9 Multiple flag Pair definition: dV<500km/s, Rp<100kpc
Physical pair ? interaction Multiple system: triplet, group,cluster One of the member within another pair Not complete Redshift dependent A triplet system with M =-20,-21,-22 mag would be identified as a triplet, a pair and a single galaxy in the SDSS MG sample (r<17.77) at redshift z=0.05,0.1,0.15 respectively.

10 Overlap flag Visual inspection Interesting objects
Very close pair (image overlap each other) Photometry not accurate Color bias Interesting objects Example: an isolated triplet (Feng et al. 2015) See

11 Discovery of an isolated galaxy triplet (Feng et al. 2015)
Chain-like structure Formed in early time Early type galaxies with Halpha emission recent star formation


13 Other applications and future
Supply the galaxy pair sample Supply redshifts to the galaxy group catalog of Yang et al. Small-scale galaxy cross-correlation function (Guo Hong) Future How much can we finish the spectral survey of the complementary galaxies? After three years (6000 of 6,8000), only two years left. LAMOST spectral survey 2? (after 2017)

14 Two complete fields Ra = 37.8, Dec = 3.4 Ra = 21.5, Dec = −2.20
r<18.1 mag ~5000 galaxies, point sources 28 plates observed from Yang et al. in preparation

15 South Galactic Cap Main goal of the galaxy survey in design Footprint
Winter season, good weather Footprint Dec>-10 & b<-30, 3700 sq deg Input catalog Main sample galaxies (r<18) ~660 k Blue galaxies (18<r<18.8) ~200 k Science motivation Large galaxy spectroscopic sample in SGC, deeper than SDSS main sample galaxies Probe the faint (higher z) star forming galaxies

16 Current status Only 35,000 (<5%) objects observed in past four years

17  We can not finish the galaxy survey in SGC as we designed in 5 years (2012-2017)

18 How is the spectra quality?

19 Reasons for the small number of galaxies being observed
Fiber assignment Galaxy PRI < QSO QSO candidates outnumbers galaxy Will be changed Small number of M plates in EG area Could not be greatly improved because of requirement of successful rate of spectroscopy Weather condition Other survey (Galactic Anti Center , M31)

20 Possible Collaboration: TAIPAN
Measure redshifts for 500,000 galaxies(r~17) and peculiar velocities for 50,000 galaxies in the nearby universe on the UKST over a 3.5-year period ( ) Scientific goal Hubble constant Bulk flow Velocity power spectrum Redshift space distortions Galaxy evolution LAMOST: extend the Taipan survey into the non-SDSS areas of the northern hemisphere? Spectra quality?

21 summary There are only about 50,000 galaxies that had been observed by LAMOST in its first three years ~6000 SDSS missed main sample galaxies Useful for new galaxy pair identification ~5000 galaxies in two small complete fields ~35000 galaxies in South Galactic Cap Other ~4000 bright galaxies (replicated observation) The spectra quality is barely acceptable(S/N ~10) for galaxies brighter than r<17 mag Redshift measurement Stellar population?

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