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T UNING THE FWHM IN RING RESONATORS Mehrnoosh Taghi Boroojerdi CMC Nano-Photonic Workshop July, 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "T UNING THE FWHM IN RING RESONATORS Mehrnoosh Taghi Boroojerdi CMC Nano-Photonic Workshop July, 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 T UNING THE FWHM IN RING RESONATORS Mehrnoosh Taghi Boroojerdi CMC Nano-Photonic Workshop July, 2012

2 FWHM IMPROVEMENT IN RING RESONATORS Increasing propagation loss in the ring Sampling the input light in several paths InputThrough Bandwidth of the minimums of the through signal will increase

3 Fig. a) and b) Schematic of multiple ring resonator design. c) Spectra of the drop port output (The normalized frequency is denoted as θ, while the round-trip transmission coefficient of each resonator is τ. As τ decreases, the loss increases)[1]

4 N EW DESIGN (1) ThroughInput Drop Light is sampled through several paths, therefore the FWHM is increased at the Drop port.


6 R EFERENCES [1]. X. Zhang, X. Zhang, and D. Huang, "Analysis and Design of Box-Like Filters Based on 3×2 Microring Resonator Arrays," in Asia Communications and Photonics Conference and Exhibition, Technical Digest (CD) (Optical Society of America, 2009), paper ThE4

7 Thank you for your attention! Questions?

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