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Reflections of Society in Film: From Citizen Kane to Erin Brockovich Jane Nickerson National Council of Teachers of English Friday, November 21, 2008 San.

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Presentation on theme: "Reflections of Society in Film: From Citizen Kane to Erin Brockovich Jane Nickerson National Council of Teachers of English Friday, November 21, 2008 San."— Presentation transcript:

1 Reflections of Society in Film: From Citizen Kane to Erin Brockovich Jane Nickerson National Council of Teachers of English Friday, November 21, 2008 San Antonio, Texas

2 Objectives of this lesson  This lesson focuses on two films that provide perspectives on society – Citizen Kane and Erin Brockovich  This lesson helps students - learn to analyze scenes from various films and relate the ideas to contemporary society compare and contrast scenes in films and analyze how directors portray social issues, and demonstrate their abilities to write critically about films.

3 NCTE/IRA standards addressed  1. Students read a wide range of print and non-print texts to build an understanding of texts, of themselves, and of the cultures of the United States and the world; to acquire new information; to respond to the needs and demands of society and the workplace; and for personal fulfillment. Among these texts are fiction and nonfiction, classic and contemporary works.  3. Students apply a wide range of strategies to comprehend, interpret, evaluate, and appreciate texts. They draw on their prior experience, their interactions with other readers and writers, their knowledge of word meaning and of other texts, their word identification strategies, and their understanding of textual features (e.g., sound-letter correspondence, sentence structure, context, graphics).  5. Students employ a wide range of strategies as they write and use different writing process elements appropriately to communicate with different audiences for a variety of purposes.  6. Students apply knowledge of language structure, language conventions (e.g., spelling and punctuation), media techniques, figurative language, and genre to create, critique, and discuss print and non-print texts.  9. Students develop an understanding of and respect for diversity in language use, patterns, and dialects across cultures, ethnic groups, geographic regions, and social roles.  11. Students participate as knowledgeable, reflective, creative, and critical members of a variety of literacy communities.  12. Students use spoken, written, and visual language to accomplish their own purposes (e.g., for learning, enjoyment, persuasion, and the exchange of information).

4 Before we watch Citizen Kane  Before we watch Citizen Kane, I tell my students about the plot of the film.  Orson Welles used many wonderful techniques in 1941.

5 The plot of Citizen Kane  This film chronicles the life of Charles Foster Kane after he dies. Newspaper reporters create a newsreel about his life and want to find out what Kane meant by his last word, Rosebud. As the reporter searches for clues about Rosebud, he interviews people who knew Kane. The reporter never finds out what Rosebud is; however, the camera reveals to audience members that it was his sled from his childhood.

6 Background information for Citizen Kane  I love to discuss Citizen Kane in class because it allows me to share ideas about history and society in the 1930s. Kane’s character was modeled after William Randolph Hearst who ran The San Francisco Examiner. I provide background about Hearst and media in the 1930s. My students often have to stop and think about when televisions were used widely in the United States. The newsreel - News on the March reflects how members of society focused on news during this time.

7 Interesting information about the film  The main character’s death is at the beginning of the film (Citizen Kane was the first film to do this)  The reporter searches for the meaning of Rosebud by interviewing people who were close to Kane  The interviews often show flashbacks of Kane’s life  Film techniques

8 As we watch the film – Techniques in Citizen Kane  Various lighting techniques create light and dark contrasts between images and this film includes many scenes in which characters are left in the dark.

9 Another example of dramatic lighting used in the film

10 Camera angles vary

11 Deep focus photography was used  In this scene, viewers can see a young Charles in the background playing in the snow, while his parents talk to Mr. Thatcher, who would become Charles’s guardian.  A wide-angle lens is used to show everyone or everything in focus at the same time.

12 The Breakfast Montage condenses time  Young and in love  Clothes and hair  Shots are shorter  Lighting is high key  Communication  Older  Clothes and hair  Shots are longer  Lighting is more low key  Breakdown in communication

13 Themes in Citizen Kane  The cinematic techniques as well as the dialogue emphasize these themes for students - The American Dream Money can’t buy happiness or love Loneliness and depression Politics Childhood Power

14 Discussing Citizen Kane  How effective is the use of flashbacks in this film?  How does the newsreel, News on the March, develop character and set tone?  Which scenes present the “money doesn’t buy happiness” theme in Kane’s life?  What themes in this film are still relevant in today’s society?  How has this film influenced other films?

15 Citizen Kane  This film encourages students to think about society – the similarities and differences in society from the 1930s to now.  This film helps students understand film techniques that they can watch for in other films such as Erin Brockovich.

16 Erin Brockovich  Another film that focuses on issues in society is Erin Brockovich.

17 The plot of Erin Brockovich  Erin Brockovich shows how a determined single mother of three children was able to stand up and fight a corporate giant – the Pacific Gas and Electric Company when this company was contaminating water that made people ill. Erin is inspirational to many people as she fought for the citizens of Hinkley, California and she won!

18 Before we watch Erin Brockovich  We discuss mise-en-scène – the French term for the whole composition of the shot, which includes the space actors inhabit, the movement within the shot, the lighting and the set/décor.  Colors in the film reflect moods of the characters or situations  Makeup, costumes, and hairstyles create character traits

19 As we watch the film – Techniques in Erin Brockovich  These shots show viewers an important issue in society – single motherhood. The colors and settings help with the tone of the film.

20 As we watch the film – Techniques in Erin Brockovich  In this shot, viewers see Erin who is upset with her lawyer, Ed Masry, since they lost her court case (after she is injured in a car accident). The clothes and her language in this scene do not help her with the case.

21 Colors used in this film  During this scene, Erin is in the courtroom when the judge is discussing PG & E. Green tones are used for scenes in court. Blue tones are used for scenes at night.

22 Colors used in this film  Orange and brown tones are used for scenes such as these which emphasize her role as a single mother driving an old car and for hot California desert scenes.

23 Clothes and make up  As viewers can notice, clothes and makeup are important to Erin.

24 Bright lighting is also used when Erin is - Collecting evidenceDiscussing the case

25 Cameo role  The real Erin Brockovich has a cameo role in the film when she plays a waitress at the beginning. The real Ed Masry is reading a newspaper in the booth behind them.

26 Themes in Erin Brockovich  One person’s fight against corporate America  A wealthy company against citizens in a small town  Health issues  Single motherhood  Divorce

27 Discussing Erin Brockovich  How was Erin able to fight against a multi- billion dollar corporation?  What evidence did Erin find that enabled her to put the pieces together about how the company was contaminating water in the area?  Which scenes in this film suggest Erin’s growing determination to win the case?  Which scenes present the difficulties of being a working mother?

28 Discussing Erin Brockovich  How do Erin’s clothes, makeup, and hairstyles express her self-concept?  How does the décor in this film reflect the social status of individuals and organizations?  How did Steven Soderbergh, the director, use colors in this film?  What is a “whistle blower?” What other companies have produced “whistle- blowers” in the last few years?

29 A good resource for this film   This website provides lots of background information about what happened to the residents in Hinkley, California.  "ERIN BROCKOVICH" (ANDERSON v PACIFIC GAS & ELECTRIC) STORY CHAPTER LINKS 1. STORY PREFACE 2. DEATH AND DESTRUCTION IN THE MOJAVE 3. MISLEADING STATEMENTS 4. 22 YEARS LATE1. STORY PREFACE 2. DEATH AND DESTRUCTION IN THE MOJAVE3. MISLEADING STATEMENTS4. 22 YEARS LATE

30 Other resources include -    Screenplay – Erin Brockovich by Susannah Grant  Erin’s book – (fun reading) Take It From Me: Life’s a Struggle but You Can Win

31 Assessment strategies that can be used for all films -  Students can be assessed in different ways - Class discussion as they make connections among various themes presented in the films Film critiques

32 Film Critiques  Students should write critiques for each film. When writing critiques, students should be able to – Describe the film briefly Write their reactions to the film Discuss film techniques that made the film more interesting, such as flashbacks, camera angles, lighting, makeup, clothes, and others. Describe any parts of the film that are puzzling. Explain important themes in the film and relate them to issues found in contemporary society.

33 Another possible assignment  Students can also write essays that compare the two films by examining the American dream and what that meant to people in the 1930s and 1940s compared to people in the 1990s. What are some similarities and differences between these two films? How did the characters in these films achieve the American dream?

34 Connections and Adaptations  Many films include themes which focus on issues found in contemporary society, such as family life, economic situations, and others.  Students can find cinematic techniques that spotlight various issues.

35 Additional Films  If your students are reading any of these novels, you may want to include the film version so that students can compare and contrast them – The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck The Manchurian Candidate by Richard Condon Cool Hand Luke by Don Pearce To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee Ordinary People by Judith Guest

36 Important film websites  The Internet Movie Database –  Rotten Tomatoes –

37 Any Questions? Free free to contact me at

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