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mUSTAfa genç eCE şeNsöZzz.. SinEM kaFiloğlU öMÜr tUraN ME h ME t durna hkn CMYLMZ.

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Presentation on theme: "mUSTAfa genç eCE şeNsöZzz.. SinEM kaFiloğlU öMÜr tUraN ME h ME t durna hkn CMYLMZ."— Presentation transcript:


2 mUSTAfa genç eCE şeNsöZzz.. SinEM kaFiloğlU öMÜr tUraN ME h ME t durna hkn CMYLMZ

3 actors equipment director lighting script money microphones cameras coffee

4  bringing film makers and actors together  meeting film makers’ equipment needs

5  Giving people info about  Getting more on independent film


7 Because…

8  Fund  Bankrupt of ideas by Hollywood  Not keeping up with the digital world  Not being involved in social media  Not to want to act in the independent films

9  Creating a space for independent film to bring makers, actors, workers in this area... together  Facilitating people’s work  Getting resource for filmmaking by attracting more people on independent film world



12 



15  If you are actor/actress or backstage worker wanting to take a part of independent films in different steps, we can meet you with directors, producers..  You can find a job, share your projects or follow the new projects, new ideas, rate your colleagues or favourite actors, directors, films via our webside.


17  If you are a director or producer, we help you find your actors or needed equipments via our webside.  You can post your new projects, find actors, backstage workers or backstage equipments. Besides, you can rate your favourite people or films. You can also make a comment on films.

18 THE END..

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