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Functions And Roles Of Nutrients. Functions of Protein For growth and repair When children do not have enough of this in there diet they may result in.

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Presentation on theme: "Functions And Roles Of Nutrients. Functions of Protein For growth and repair When children do not have enough of this in there diet they may result in."— Presentation transcript:

1 Functions And Roles Of Nutrients

2 Functions of Protein For growth and repair When children do not have enough of this in there diet they may result in poor growth, diarrhoea. However when adults do not have enough of this they may result in dry hair, dry skin, loss of fat. Fats are made from amino acid molecules HBV protein – High Biological Value protein which has all of the essential amino acids an example of this would be meat, fish, eggs and milk ect. LBV protein – Low Biological Value protein is when a food is missing one or more of the essential amino acids

3 Functions of Fats Solid at room temperature Oil = liquid at room temperature Saturated fats are acids full of hydrogen Unsaturated fats have double bonds and can take more hydrogen Function = To provide energy, To provide vitamins A,D,E, and K Found in butter, lard, meat, nuts, oily fish, crisps cakes, and chocolate ect. When you do not have enough fat in the diet then you can get a deficiency in vitamin A, D, E, and K. However when you eat too much then you can gain weight.

4 Functions of Carbohydrates Carbohydrates provides an energy store for the body NSP dietary fibre gets rid of body waste Glucose is in vegetables, and ripe fruits ect. Fructose is in fruits and honey ect. Galactose is in milk When you do not have enough carbohydrates then you get low sugar levels in the blood, and weight loss. However when you eat too much then you provide yourself with more energy than what you would use up in a physical activity. This can lead to weight gain.

5 Functions of fibre in the diet To help the body get rid of solid waste, and also to reduce the amount of cholesterol in the blood You can get fibre from stems, leaves, leaf stalks, bread, beans, peas, pasta, plums and apples

6 Homework Due Wed 23rd Carbohydrate Collect 4 images and label carbohydrate starch food, 4 carbohydrate sugar foods, 4 NSP (fibre, roughage)

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