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This is... Don’t Say it’s Over! Now entering the studio are our Contestants!!! Group 1 Group 2 Group 3.

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Presentation on theme: "This is... Don’t Say it’s Over! Now entering the studio are our Contestants!!! Group 1 Group 2 Group 3."— Presentation transcript:


2 This is... Don’t Say it’s Over!

3 Now entering the studio are our Contestants!!! Group 1 Group 2 Group 3

4 Now here Are the directions

5 One person from each group steps up to answer the question.One person from each group steps up to answer the question. Contestants will choose a category and question.Contestants will choose a category and question. Contestants raise hand if they know the answer.Contestants raise hand if they know the answer. If no one knows answer then contestants will be told to go to their groups.If no one knows answer then contestants will be told to go to their groups.

6 Here are the categories...

7 I Love the Smell of Napalm in the Morning

8 WWII Saves the Day

9 Ice Ice Baby

10 I Want It Now! Consumerism & Civil Rights

11 1st Contestants step up and prepare for the first question

12 MapsPeopleVocabulary Relig/Philosoph. $100 $200 $300 $400 $100 $200 $300 $400 $100 $200 $300 $400 $100 $200 $300 $400

13 Americans who supported strong military efforts in Vietnam

14 Hawks

15 Oops… click above to go back

16 Political organization whose goal was to win Vietnam’s independence from foreign rule

17 Vietminh

18 Oops… click above to go back

19 Administration that mislead Americans about the Vietnam War

20 President Johnson President Johnson

21 Oops… click above to go back

22 Communist leader of Vietnamese struggle against the French

23 Ho Chi Minh

24 Oops… click above to go back

25 The name of a policy that allowed the US president to provide arms to certain foreign countries

26 Lend-Lease Act

27 Oops… click above to go back

28 The name of the agreement that Winston Churchill opposed

29 Munich Pact

30 Oops… click above to go back

31 During the war, women served as nurses, test pilots, and radio operators in the …


33 Oops… click above to go back

34 When forced to abandon the Philippines, this man made the vow, “I shall return.”

35 Douglas MacArthur

36 Oops… click above to go back

37 How the Soviet responded to efforts by Western nations to reunify Germany

38 Berlin Blockade

39 Oops… click above to go back

40 The Eisenhower Doctrine was a warning to the Soviet Union against any military action in …

41 The Middle East

42 Oops… click above to go back

43 The leader of the Communists in China

44 Mao Zedong

45 Oops… click above to go back

46 $200 $100 $300 $400 $200 $100 $300 $400 $200 $100 $300 $400 $200 $100 $300 $400 GeographyPeopleConceptsVocabulary Bet how much you are willing to risk

47 The main goal of the Truman Doctrine

48 Restrict the spread of communism

49 Oops… click above to go back

50 A large corporation that owns a number of smaller companies

51 Conglomerat e

52 Oops… click above to go back

53 In the 1960s, the primary source of entertainment and information for most Americans

54 Televisio n

55 Oops… click above to go back

56 This enabled federal officials to register voters

57 Voting Rights Act of 1965

58 Oops… click above to go back

59 This made segregation illegal in public accomodations

60 Civil Rights Act of 1964

61 Oops… click above to go back

62 Double Jeopardy

63 WWII Leaders

64 I’ve Got the Power

65 Starts with “D”

66 No time to be creative! JFK & LBJ

67 Religious matters People Starts with M Vocabulary $200 $400 $600 $800 $200 $400 $600 $800 $200 $400 $600 $800 $200 $400 $600 $800DoubleJeopardy

68 What caused militarist leaders to gain control of the Japanese government in the early 1930s

69 Successful invasion of resource-rich Manchuria

70 Oops… click above to go back

71 Truman’s aims (2) in deciding to drop the atomic bomb

72 End the war Save American lives

73 Oops… click above to go back

74 How much are you and your team willing to risk?

75 An issues on which Stalin and Mussolini would most likely disagree

76 Ownershi p of property

77 Oops… click above to go back

78 Roosevelt’s feelings toward joining the war

79 Wanted to help Allies, but had to appease US citizens who opposed entering the war

80 Oops… click above to go back

81 The name of the case that affirmed the legality of racial segregation

82 Plessy v. Ferguson

83 Oops… click above to go back

84 The organization MLK found and was the 1 st president of


86 Oops… click above to go back

87 The man who preached a militant approach to civil rights

88 Malcolm X

89 Oops… click above to go back

90 The effect of white flight and example of de facto segregation

91 Concentration of urban African Americans in slums areas

92 Oops… click above to go back

93 Americans who opposed US military efforts in Vietnam

94 Doves

95 Oops… click above to go back

96 The idea that if one country falls to communism, others in the region will fall, too

97 Domino Theory

98 Oops… click above to go back

99 Causes of the farming crisis in the 1920s

100 Demand for crops fell after WWI

101 Oops… click above to go back

102 The result of many new democracies established in Europe after WWI before WWII

103 Dictatorships

104 Oops… click above to go back

105 One finding of the Warren Commission

106 Oswald acted alone

107 Oops… click above to go back

108 2 groups who benefited most from the Great Society

109 Minorities Poor

110 Oops… click above to go back

111 A factor that helped Kennedy in the 1960 election debate

112 Fresh, young, good looks

113 Oops… click above to go back

114 How much are you and your team willing to risk?

115 Result of Johnson’s Great Society Initiatives

116 Conservative Backlash

117 Oops… click above to go back

118 Final Jeopardy You’ll have 60 seconds

119 Trade Routes Make your wagers now

120 The three major trade routes we learned about this unit. (and ONE specific good that was traded)

121 The three major trade routes we learned about this unit. Trade Routes

122 Now, lets see your answers starting with the last place team… Silk Road Indian Ocean Maritime System trans Saharan Trade Routes

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