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Life to Eagle Seminar Lighthouse District South Florida Council

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1 Life to Eagle Seminar Lighthouse District South Florida Council
Boy Scouts of America February 24th, 2015

2 Introduction Earning the rank of Eagle Scout is a special event. Fewer than 7% of Scouts earn this distinction each year. In the history of the United States of America, over 2 million Scouts have earned the Eagle Rank since 1912.

3 To Achieve the Eagle Scout Rank a Scout Must
Earn five prior Scouting Ranks Meet 60 achievement requirements Satisfactorily complete 1,255 different tasks Be reviewed by Adult Scouters at the Unit, District, Council and National level at least 70 times

4 Purpose of this Seminar
Review the 12 steps from Life to Eagle Review the requirements for the Eagle Scout Explain the procedures used in Lighthouse District, South Florida Council Review the Eagle Scout Leadership Service Project Requirements

5 Who Sets Eagle Scout Requirements?
Set by BSA National Committee South Florida Council Advancement Committee implements policies and procedures of BSA National and Council

6 The 7 Eagle Scout Requirements
1. Be active for six (6) months after Life rank. 2. Live by the Scout Oath and Law 3. Earn at least 21 Merit Badges (including the required for the Eagle Scout rank) 4. Hold a position of responsibility for a period of months after earning Life rank 5. While a Life Scout, complete an Eagle Scout Leadership Service Project 6. Take part in a Unit Leader Conference 7. Successfully complete an Eagle Scout Board of Review

7 Reference Advancement Committee Policies & Procedures, , 2013 Version Boy Scout Requirements, Item: , 2014 printing Boy Scout Handbook, Item: th Edition Eagle Scout Application, # , 2014 printing Eagle Scout Leadership Service Project Workbook, # , May 2014 printing

8 How Do I Get From Life to Eagle?
It takes 12 steps

9 12 Steps from Life to Eagle
1. Receive approval for your project from the District Advancement Committee 2. Complete Eagle Scout Leadership Service Project (use workbook from the web site) 3. Do Eagle Scout rank requirements before your 18th birthday

10 12 Steps from Life to Eagle
4. Fill out Eagle Scout Application Form Must be completely filled out (with the signatures of Unit Leader and Unit Committee Chair) ***NO exceptions Submit completed application to the South Florida Council office Must include the names of 5-6 individuals that know you personally and that would be willing to provide a recommendation on your behalf

11 12 Steps from Life to Eagle
5. Application is verified and approved by Council Council reviews computer records for completion of merit badges and rank advancement (verify 1st with Troop or Crew) Council signs application Board of Review is authorized Pick up / Receive completed Application from Council 6. Eagle candidate sets up Board of Review with District Committee Chairman

12 12 Steps from Life to Eagle
7. District Eagle Board of Review Chairman and Eagle Candidate agree on possible dates and location 8. District Eagle Board of Review Chairman conveys the board (3 to 6 members) 9. The Eagle Scout Board of Review is held Unit Leader introduces candidate to the members but is not a board member Requires unanimous decision

13 12 Steps from Life to Eagle
10. Board of Review signs off if the candidate is passed. Application and advancement report, and Life’s Ambition Letter is taken by the Scout, to Council for processing 11. Council Scout Executive signs application 12. Application sent to National which verifies and authorizes award (Done electronically within 2 weeks, in some cases; target 6 weeks, Eagle packet will be received in Council and you will need to pick up)

14 Completing the Eagle Scout Rank Application
Fill it out completely List references as requested Be sure all dates are correct Include unit numbers for merit badges List only 21 merit badges Complete and sign the back side Have Unit Leader & Committee Chair sign Include copy in your Eagle Scout Leadership Service Project workbook Always make sure you are using the current version of the application!

15 What if no Religious reference?
On your Eagle Scout application, you must list your parents on the line for Religious reference since it was your parents responsibility to expose you to religion. It is also recommended that you write a “Statement of Religious Belief”. This is a letter explaining how you practice a belief in a Supreme Being. Submit this along with the Eagle Scout Application.

16 What if no employer If you are not currently employed, you do not need to provide a name on that line.

17 Life’s Ambitions Letter
Attach to your Eagle Scout Award Application a statement of your ambitions and life purpose for your future? What would you hope to get out of being an Eagle Scout for the future? Listing of positions held in your religious institution, school, camp, community or other organizations during which you demonstrated leadership skills. Include any honors and awards received during this service. At least 2-3 paragraphs would be acceptable.

18 Eagle Project Approval
You MUST receive approval from the District Advancement Committee PRIOR to starting to work on it You MUST contact Ken Brighton (Committee Chairperson) to set up the review (Contact information provided in the Appendix) You MUST have all necessary signatures on your Eagle Project Workbook and reviewed with your Troop or Crew.

19 Eagle Project Approval
You MUST have a well thought-out PLAN not an IDEA (Idea = build a birdhouse; Plan = drawings, “estimated” list of materials, costs, labor required, tools, etc) This plan is a preliminary, exact detail planning will be required later. Must complete Proposal Pages B through E (2014 Printing). Highly suggested to have new 3 ring binder with page protectors, make it look presentable! Reviews are done at the District Roundtable meeting (1st Monday of each Month, information in Appendix)

20 Eagle Scout Leadership Service Project

21 Start planning as soon as you reach Life
You may start planning your Eagle Scout Leadership Service Project just as soon after achieving the rank of Life Scout as is practical. All work on your Eagle Scout Leadership Service Project must be undertaken while you are a Life Scout and completed before your eighteenth birthday, through the Council review of your application. Three months after your birthday are allowed for the Board of Review.

22 1. The Project Must be a project that conforms to the wishes and regulations of those for whom the project is undertaken. Must be where the Eagle Scout demonstrates leadership skills learned in Scouting. Be done outside the sphere of Scouting (not a Unit function). The Scout must plan the work, organize the personnel needed, and direct the project to completion.

23 The Project (continued)
Routine labor, a job normally rendered should not be considered. There is NO minimum or maximum number of volunteers or hours of work needed to carry out your Eagle Scout Leadership Service Project. Approvals by the recipient, your Unit Leader, Unit Committee and District Representative MUST be obtained IN WRTITING before you begin.

24 The Project (continued)
The Project may not involve Council or BSA properties, may not be performed for a business, may not be of a commercial nature, may not be routine labor or maintenance and may not be for the benefit of an individual. (Non Profit Organization usually)

25 You must do your own project
A candidate may not use his participation in the project of another Eagle candidate to satisfy the Eagle Scout Leadership Service Project requirement You may not copy or otherwise share your responsibilities for planning, developing or providing leadership to others It’s all about showing LEADERSHIP

26 2. Have Measurable Goals The amount of time spent must be sufficient for the Scout to demonstrate his leadership skills Although the project idea must be approved before work is begun, the Board of Review must determine the manner in which the project was carried out The following must be answered: –In what ways did you demonstrate leadership of others? –Give examples of how you directed the project rather than doing the work yourself. –In what way did the religious institution, school, or community group benefit from the project? –Did the project follow the plan? –If changes to the plan were made, explain why the changes were necessary.

27 3. Plan, Develop, Carry Out You are expected to”…plan, develop and give leadership to others…” Determine what kinds and quantities of materials and/or supplies are needed Their costs and how they will be acquired Keep accurate inventory records and a log of work activities Manage the resources and purposefully direct the project to its completion

28 A few words about “Fund Raising”
Fund raising is permitted only for the purpose of acquiring the materials and supplies needed to carry out your project. Must identify the Fund Raising as for an Eagle Project. Fundraising is not a requirement. Fundraising must not be a part of the objectives of the project itself. Fund raising must conform to the Guide to Safe Scouting. Fund Raising Application Page A of the Eagle Workbook needs to be submitted. Funds should be held in an account by the Troop or Crew or Beneficiary and not by the scout.

29 What if things go wrong? Even the best planned activities sometimes need change. You will not necessarily be penalized if you had to vary from your plan. On the other hand, if your project did not substantially follow your plan then have you truly demonstrated the leadership skills expected of an Eagle Scout?

30 4. Opportunity to Show Leadership
The Board of Review will expect your Eagle Scout Leadership Service Project to be helpful and of significance to the beneficiary for whom it is undertaken

31 Who can help? Other Scouts, family, friends and classmates, church members, other youth groups, etc., of any age or type may volunteer; they do not have to be Scouts You should recruit, train, organize and schedule the personnel needed

32 What about adult supervision?
An Eagle Scout Leadership Service Project is not an official unit activity, it is an Eagle Scout Leadership Service Project. Proper planning, however, includes preparing for appropriate adult participation and safety concerns. See the Guide to Safe Scouting.

33 5. A qualified beneficiary
Service to others is an important philosophy to the Eagle Scout Leadership Service Project. Therefore, your Eagle Scout Leadership Service Project must be done outside of Scouting. Projects can not be done for your Council, Unit or for the District. You can do a project for your Unit Sponsor if it meets other requirements.

34 5. A qualified beneficiary (continued)
A community organization is defined as any government agency, or an institution qualified, under Section 5013(c) of the US Internal Revenue Code, as a not-for-profit charitable, educational or religious organization.

35 What your Beneficiary wants
Your Eagle Scout Leadership Service Project must conform to the wishes of those for whom it is undertaken. The detailed plan for your Eagle Scout Leadership Service Project must be approved by and a signature obtained from proper official of the beneficiary, before it is submitted to your Unit Leader, Unit Committee or the District Advancement Committee.

36 Use the Project Workbook…..
You should use the Eagle Scout Leadership Service Project Workbook in meeting this requirement Eagle Scout Leadership Service Project Workbook No (Note: Always check to see if you have the current version)

37 Workbook Sections Cover page Name, Unit, District
Plan (Proposal Page B to E) Identify beneficiary Describe project broadly

38 Workbook Sections, continued
Develop (Final Plan Pages A to E) Create a detailed plan Material, time, labor Leadership Carry out (Project Report Pages A to C, plus any attachments for backup) Describe results Show logs of your efforts / others efforts (hours log) What happened, changes, unexpected results? Photos, receipts, Income/Expense worksheet

39 Workbook Signature Page
Before you can start the Eagle Project Unit Leader Beneficiary Unit Committee Chair District Advancement Committe After the project is completed You sign and date Beneficiary sign and date Unit Leader sign and date Enter your project Start Date (including planning) and Date of Final Signature (of the 3 above)

40 Eagle Board of Review Your Board of Review cannot be scheduled until you have your Eagle Scout Rank Application approved and signed by Council. Once you have this in hand, contact Bryce Tolin, Eagle Board of Review Committee Chairman, to schedule it. Details in the Appendix section.

41 The Dreaded18th Birthday Problem

42 If you are 17 PAY ATTENTION

43 Your 18th Birthday!! Most people receive about 18 years advanced warning of the date on which they will turn 18. It is not an emergency or an unexpected event. You know the date.

44 You Must Do the Following
BEFORE your 18th Birthday: Complete all your merit badges Complete your Eagle Scout Leadership Service Project Complete your Unit Leader Conference Be active as a Life Scout for six months Serve actively in a qualified position of responsibility for six months while a Life Scout Obtain Council Review of Eagle Scout Application

45 You CAN DO the Following
AFTER your 18th Birthday: (not recommended, do it early) Have your Eagle Scout Board of Review Submit your final Eagle Scout Application and Life’s Ambition Letter Have your Eagle Scout Court of Honor

46 Time Extensions?? Can I get a Time Extension to complete my Eagle Scout rank?

47 Can I get an Extension? But…
You may file a petition in writing for special permission to continue to work toward the award after reaching age 18 But…

48 Late is Late, Late is NOT an excuse!!
Extensions….. The petition must show good and sufficient evidence and detail extenuating circumstances Extenuating circumstances are defined as conditions or situations that are totally beyond the control of the Scout Late is Late, Late is NOT an excuse!!

49 If you are almost 18…. Work hard to complete your requirements
Talk to your leaders now so that they can help you and warn you of problems Remember that adult leaders have busy lives. Don’t ask a leader to give up a vacation because you forgot your 18th birthday Know your deadlines in advance

50 In Summary… Your GOAL is to soar as an Eagle
Keep your eye on your goal Accomplish your goal Plan ahead (with a calendar) and you will soar as an Eagle

51 Setting up Eagle Project Review
Contact Ken Brighton, District Advancement Committee Chairman, to schedule your review Reviews are done at District Roundtable meeting, usually on the 1st Monday of the month. As an exception, reviews can be done during the District Committee meeting on the 2nd Monday of the month. Both are at the Church of Latter Day Saints on Lyons Rd, between Copans and Sample Best way to contact Mr. Brighton is via You can also call his home # (after 6PM)

52 Setting up Eagle Board of Review
Call Bryce Tolin, District Eagle Board Committee Chairman, at to schedule your review. You can call up till 11:00 any night of the week. You can leave a message if you don't get a live person. He will call you back as soon as he is able, he does go out of town occasionally and does a few things outside of Scouting, so give him a couple of days to respond.

53 Setting up Eagle Board of Review (continued)
When you call, have a calendar handy so we can discuss dates that will work for both of us. Once we have picked a tentative date there are a few things that I will ask you to do, and then you will need to call me back (as soon as you have the info I will ask you for). 

54 Setting up Eagle Board of Review (continued)
Please do not wait and call back the night before your  "tentative date" because that will not allow me time to get other people for the Board. The first call is just a "tentative date" and if you do not call me back, you will be the only person showing up to your Board. Do Not me INSTEAD of the required phone call

55 Setting up Eagle Board of Review (continued)
Parents and Leaders can call me with questions anytime and I will be more than happy to talk to you and answer your questions if I am able, BUT the Eagle Candidate MUST call to make arrangements for his Board of Review (part of showing Leadership)

56 Points of Contact Ken Brighton District Project Approval Chair
Bryce Tolin District Eagle Board Chair Andy Buglione District Advancement Member Matt Kinsey District Advancement Chairman Bette Lou Phillips Council Eagle Application Coordinator

57 Q & A

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