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Recycling A workshop for Local English Teachers and Fulbrighters.

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Presentation on theme: "Recycling A workshop for Local English Teachers and Fulbrighters."— Presentation transcript:

1 Recycling A workshop for Local English Teachers and Fulbrighters

2 Outline of the workshop (1) Overview of recycling in Yilan County (2) Presentation and development of materials for using topic of recycling to teach English.

3 Recycle Most common as a verb meaning “to process to regain material for use, to reuse, or to adapt to a new use.” Source: Miriam-Webster Online Dictionary,

4 Why “recycling” as a topic? Makes a connection to students daily lives. Can work with or reinforce other environmental activities in school.

5 Earth Day Earth Day is April 22, 2005

6 Teaching environmental recycling is an example of content teaching in English class. Content teaching: Using a topic or issue to teach language. Examples: recycling, history, math, science, travel, etc.

7 Recycling Guidelines in Yilan County See handout.

8 For English teachers, there are two different kinds of RECYCLING: (1) Environmental recycling. Community programs to recycle materials to keep the environment clean. (2) Language recycling.

9 Language recycling Language recycling refers to the practice of making sure that language vocabulary and grammar that is introduced in one activity is re-used in future language activities. Gives students multiple exposures to language and opportunity to practice language they know in a different context.

10 Content teaching is an interesting and excellent way to incorporate language recycling in the English classroom. Let’s practice language recycling while developing activities for a content teaching on environmental recycling.

11 Start with a list of what students know First decide on a specific class or grade for the content lesson. Then list all the language and grammar that students should know. Select from that list to develop appropriate content lessons. (Use language needs to narrow a broad and complex topic)

12 Sample lessons Can you/can’t you? When do I recycle? Count and describe while we recycle

13 Rhythm, Rhyme and Recycling (your turn to develop more materials) Get into groups of 3-4 people. Each group should create two chants, songs, or poems about recycling that we could use in an elementary English class. Groups will share and turn in work to make a resource book.

14 The End

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