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Welcome to our final seminar! We will begin at 7:00 PM. 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to our final seminar! We will begin at 7:00 PM. 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to our final seminar! We will begin at 7:00 PM. 1

2 2 CE114 Unit 9 Seminar Theories and Theorists: Birth to Age 5

3 Tonight’s Quote I am a teacher! What I do and say are being absorbed by young minds who will echo these images across the ages. My lessons will be immortal, affecting people yet unborn, people I will never see or know. The future of the world is in my classroom today, a future with the potential for good or bad. The pliable minds of tomorrow's leaders will be molded either artistically or grotesquely by what I do. Several future presidents are learning from me today; so are the great writers of the next decades, and so are all the so-called ordinary people who will make the decisions in a democracy. I must never forget these same young people could be the thieves or murderers of the future. Only a teacher? Thank God I have a calling to the greatest profession of all! I must be vigilant every day lest I lose one fragile opportunity to improve tomorrow. Ivan Welton Fitzwater 3

4 4 Howard Gardner: Multiple Intelligences Interpersonal IQ: People skills Intrapersonal IQ: In touch with feelings Spatial IQ: visually perceptive Bodily-kinesthetic IQ: manipulates objects and body movements Musical IQ: talented musically. (Puckett, Black, Wittmer & Petersen, 2009, p. 283-284).

5 5 More Gardner: MI’s Linguistic IQ: skills in word usage and meanings. Can be verbal or written skills. Logical-mathematical IQ: good with figures, patterns, or logical equations. Naturalist IQ: relate to plants, animals, or nature. Spiritual IQ: relate to mysteries of life. Existential IQ: ability to locate oneself in the cosmos (Puckett, Black, Wittmer & Petersen, 2009, p. 283-284).

6 6 Lev Vygotsky: Zone of Proximal Development

7 7 First Two Stages of Piaget Sensorimotor Stage: This level covers ages 0-2 years. The infant moves from involuntary reflexes to more controlled actions. Preoperational Thought: This level covers ages 2- 7 years. The young child develops language, but can not always express himself in a meaningful manner. The child’s imagination is evident. Simple mental operations can be performed (Puckett, Black, Wittmer & Petersen, 2009, p. 190).

8 8 Erik Erikson: Psychosocial Development Autonomy Versus Shame and Doubt Develop trust in environment Develop trust in caregivers Develop trust in self Results in independence (Puckett, Black, Wittmer & Petersen, 2009, p. 249-250).

9 9 Lawrence Kohlberg: Moral Development Premoral Level: Stage One-Punishment and Obedience Orientation motivated out of fear of punishment, defer to superiors, physical consequences define good or bad.Stage Two-Naïve Instrumental hedonism right is defined through self and (sometimes) needs of others. Fairness from pragmatic viewpoint. Not from feelings of loyalty or justice.

10 10 Lawrence Kohlberg: Moral Development Conventional Level: Stage 3 Morality of conventional role conformity Pleasing others defines good and bad, stereotypes, judge by intentions, approval seeking behaviors. Stage 4 Authority-Maintaining morality Respect for authority, rules, social orders. One earns respect by doing one’s duty. (Puckett, Black, Wittmer & Petersen, 2009, p. 351-352).

11 Field Trip! Go to our class WikispaceWikispace  Watch video on final project Click on the article beneath the video Select one theorist to read more about Be prepared to discuss how that theory applies to best practices in the classroom. 11

12 12 Putting it all together Physical Development: An EC professional will work to meet the needs of the children under her care …nutritional needs, …identify special needs, … safe and healthy surroundings, … immunizations, doctor/dental exams, … healthy routines, … facilitate parent involvement, … informed about community services (Puckett, Black, Wittmer & Petersen, 2009) :

13 13 Putting it all together Motor Development: An EC professional will encourage large and small motor activities that are developmentally appropriate for age group. Social Development: An EC professional will model and coach prosocial behaviors, encourage independence, facilitate play, multi-cultural curriculums… Emotional Development: An EC professional will respect the child’s feelings, nurture, security, provide instructive and authoritative discipline, encourage individuality… (Puckett, Black, Wittmer & Petersen, 2009)

14 14 Putting it all together… Cognitive Development: An EC professional will acknowledge each child’s uniqueness, identify cognitive needs, understand each child’s processing skills, promote curiosity and thinking skills… Language Development: An EC professional will respect linguistic abilities, identify literacy and language needs, promote developmentally appropriate skills in all subject areas, etc. (Puckett, Black, Wittmer & Petersen, 2009)

15 15 Learning Strategies Look at how the child approaches a learning activity to develop an appropriate strategy for that particular child Create developmentally appropriate activities Give the child time to think before answering Find out what motivates each child Create a safe, print-rich environment that is well- organized and visually appealing Build upon the child’s vocabulary with real life applications Remember children learn through play…and interactions with you and their peers

16 16 Unit 9: Assignments Selected readings on theorists Discussion question (only one this week) Seminar Final Project – due February 15 th by midnight

17 17 Unit 10: Discussion Question Look back through any of the topics, concepts or theories that we explored throughout this course and discuss with your classmates how this particular knowledge will help you professionally in your career.

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