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Sized Types Inference1 “Calculating Sized Types” by Wei-Ngan Chin and Siau-Cheng Khoo published in PEPM00 and HOSC01 Presented by Xu Na.

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Presentation on theme: "Sized Types Inference1 “Calculating Sized Types” by Wei-Ngan Chin and Siau-Cheng Khoo published in PEPM00 and HOSC01 Presented by Xu Na."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sized Types Inference1 “Calculating Sized Types” by Wei-Ngan Chin and Siau-Cheng Khoo published in PEPM00 and HOSC01 Presented by Xu Na

2 Sized Types Inference2 Int m – size of an integer is the integer itself [  ] m – size of a recursive data consists of its maximum depth. Bool m – m=0 for False and m=1 for True append :: [  ] m ! [  ] n ! [  ] p s.t. m ¸ 0 Æ n ¸ 0 Æ p=m+n – size of a function is a relation between its input and output sizes. Meaning of Size

3 Sized Types Inference3 Syntax of Sized Type e :: ( ,  ) annotated type size constraint Examples: 3 :: (Int i, (i = 3) ) [3] :: ([Int i ] j, (i = 3)  (j = 1) ) [3,4] :: ([Int i ] j, ((i = 3)  (i = 4))  (j = 2) ) :: ([Int  ] j, (j = 2) ) True :: (Bool b, (b = 1) ) False :: (Bool b, (b = 0) ) append :: ([  ] m  [  ] n  [  ] p, (m  0)  (n  0)  (p=m+n) )

4 Sized Types Inference4 What is Sized Type? An advanced type system to capture size relation of: output in terms of inputs pre-conditions on inputs input invariant across recursion

5 Sized Types Inference5 Example: tail (x:xs) = xs polymorphic type: tail :: [  ]  [  ] sized type: tail :: [  ] m  [  ] p size size (m>0) // pre-condition  (p+1=m) // output relation size variables of integer types linear arithmetic constraints on size variables

6 Sized Types Inference6 Example: zip :: [  ]  [  ]  [( ,  )] zip [] [] = [] zip (x:xs) (y:ys) = (x,y):(zip xs ys) Sized type: zip :: [  ] m  [  ] n  [( ,  )] p size size (m  0)  (n  0)  (n=m) // pre-condition  (p=m) // output relation inv inv (0  m + <m)  (0  n + <n)  (m – m + = n – n + ) // invariant (zip xs m ys n )  …(zip xs 1 m 1 ys 1 n 1 )…  …(zip xs 2 m 2 ys 2 n 2 )…  … (m +,n + )  {(m 1,n 1 ),(m 2,n 2 ),…,…}

7 Sized Types Inference7 Syntax of Constraints

8 Sized Types Inference8 Sized Type Inference 1. Extension of Polymorphic Type Rules. 2. Requires linear arithmetic constraint solver. 3. Recursive letrec requires new fixed point computation.

9 Sized Types Inference9 Example f b xs = case b of False -> xs True -> append xs xs Assume: st append :: [  ] m  [  ] n  [  ] p st (m  0)  (n  0)  (p=m+n) f :: Bool i  [  ] j  [  ] k infer : infer : ((i = 0)  (k = j))  ((i = 1)  (k = j+j)) What is the sized type for f?

10 Sized Types Inference10 Example (non-recursive) f b xs = case b of False -> xs True -> append xs xs f :: Bool i  [  ] j  [  ] k st append :: [  ] m  [  ] n  [  ] p st (m  0)  (n  0)  (p=m+n) st xs :: [  ] k st (k = j) st ( append xs xs) :: [  ] k st (k = j+j) variable-rule application-rule

11 Sized Types Inference11 Example (non-recursive) f :: Bool i  [  ] j  [  ] k f b xs = case b of False -> xs True -> append xs xs case-rule st ( case b...) :: [  ] k st ((i = 0)  (k = j))  ((i = 1)  (k = j+j)) st :: [  ] k st (k = j) st :: [  ] k st (k = j+j)

12 Sized Types Inference12 Sized Inference : Recursive Function Steps: 1. Infer recursive call constraint & terminating constraint. 2. Calculate a generalised transitive constraint. 3. Incorporate terminating constraint.

13 Sized Types Inference13 Example (recursive) append xs ys = case xs of [] -> ys (x:xs’) -> x:(append xs’ ys) Terminating Constraint: B :: [ m, n, p ] = = (m = 0)  (n  0)  (p=n) [  ] m  [  ] n  [  ] p [  ] i  [  ] j  [  ] k Recursive Call Constraint: U :: [ m, n, p ]  [ i, j, k ] = = (i+1 = m)  (j = n)  (p=k+1)

14 Sized Types Inference14 Fixed Point via Omega Calculator Theoretic Closure (Least fixed point) U + =   k=1 U k U :: [m,n,p]  [i,j,k] =(i+1=m)  (j = n)  (p=k+1) closure(U) ::[m,n,p]  [m +,n +,p + ] = (0  m + <m)  (n  0)  (n + = n)  (m - m + = p - p + ) Practical Fixed Point (via Omega Calculator )  R. P=closure(R)  R  P  R + Fixed-Point Check: (P=R + )  (P o R  P)

15 Sized Types Inference15 Recursive Call Constraint: U :: [ m, n, p ]  [ i, j, k ] = = (i+1 = m)  (j = n)  (p=k+1) Terminating Constraint: B :: [ m, n, p ] = = (m = 0)  (n  0)  (p=n) U + ::[m,n,p]  [m +,n +,p + ] = (0  m + <m)  (n  0)  (n + = n)  (m - m + = p - p + ) Append :: [m,n,p] = B[m,n,p]  (  m +,n +,p + : U + (m, n, p, m +,n +,p + )  B[m +,n +,p + ] ) = ((m=0)  (n  0)  (p=n))  ((m  1)  (n  0)  (p=m+n)) = (m  0)  (n  0)  (p=m+n)

16 Sized Types Inference16 Prototype System Fun f x y = x + y {[s4,s5] -> [w3] :w3 = s4+s5 } Fun f1 x = f 0 x {[s14] -> [w3] :s14 = w3 } Fun append xs ys = case xs of { [] -> ys ; (x:xs') -> x : append xs' ys } {[s26,s27] -> [s28] :s28 = s27+s26 && 0 <= s27 && 0 <= s26 } Fun f4 xs = append xs xs {[s74] -> [w3] :w3 = 2s74 && 0 <= s74 } Fun filter p s = case s of { [] -> [] ; (x:xs) -> case p s of { True -> x : filter p xs ; False -> filter p xs } } {[s120,s121,s122] -> [s123] :0 <= s121 <= 1 && 0 <= s123 <= s122 && 0 <= s120 }

17 Sized Types Inference17 Prototype System Fun zipB xs ys = case xs of { [] -> ys ; (x:xs') -> case ys of { [] -> [] ; (y:ys') -> x : zipB xs' ys' } } {[s201,s202] -> [s203] :s203 = s202 && 0 <= s202 && 0 <= s201 } Fun zipA xs ys = case xs of { [] -> [] ; (x:xs') -> case ys of { [] -> [] ; (y:ys') -> x : zipA xs' ys' } } {[s235,s236] -> [s237] :0 <= s237 <= s235, s236 } Fun zip xs ys = case xs of { [] -> ys ; (x:xs') -> case ys of { [] -> xs ; (y:ys') -> x : zip xs' ys' } } {[s167,s168] -> [s169] :(s167<=s168 && s168 = s169) OR :(s168<s167 && s167 = s169) }

18 Sized Types Inference18 Why Sized Type is Useful? Safety Analysis: termination, bounded space. Vector-Based Memoisation. Array Bounds Check Elimination. Context-based Specialisation.

19 Sized Types Inference19 ack 0 m = m+1 ack (n+1) 0= ack n 1 ack (n+1) (m+1)= ack n (ack (n+1) m) Previous work based on abstract interpretation. e.g. Ullman, Jones, Plumer etc. KEY : Does a given recursion terminate? Termination Analysis Sized type: ack :: Int i  Int j  Int k size size (0  i)  (0  j) // pre-condition inv inv (0  i + < i)  ((i + = i)  (1  i + )  (0  j + < j)) // rec. invariant

20 Sized Types Inference20 Eliminate redundant calls [Chin & Hagiya ICFP97] via vectorisation. Vector-Based Memoisation bin(n,k) = case n of 0 -> 1 m+1 -> if (k = n) then 1 else bin(m-1,k-1) + bin(m,k) Sized type bin :: (Int n, Int k ) -> Int p inv inv.(k+,1  k < n)  (k +,1  n + < n)  (k+n +  n+k + )  0  k + max(0,n + +k-n)  k+  min(n +,k) Problem - Bounds Analysis

21 Sized Types Inference21 Vector-Based Memoisation bin(n,k) = case n of 0 -> 1 m+1 -> if (k = n) then 1 else bin(m-1,k-1) + bin(m,k) bin(n,k) = let bin’(n + ) = case n + of 0 -> \ k + -> 1 m+1 -> let z = bin’(m) bn k + = if (k + = n) then 1 else z(k + -1) + z(k + ) l = max(0,n++k-n) u = min(n+,k) vec = array(l,u)[a:=bn(a)| a<-[l..u]] in (!)vec in if (0<=k && max(1,k)<=n) then bin’(n)(k) else 1 max(0,n + +k-n)  k +  min(n +,k)

22 Sized Types Inference22 Bounds check can be eliminated by invariants over indexes. Bound Checks Elimination bsearch cmp key arr = let look:: (Int lo,Int hi )  Int k INV (lo  lo + )  (hi +  hi) look(lo,hi) = if (hi>=lo) then let m=lo+(hi-lo)/2; x=arr!m in case cmp(key,x) of LESS -> look(lo,m-1) EQUAL -> m MORE -> look(m+1,hi) else -1 in look(0,(length arr)-1) arr ! m = if (0  m <length(arr)) then sub(arr,m) else  0  lo  m  hi < length(arr)

23 Sized Types Inference23 size zip :: [  ] m  [  ] n  [( ,  )] p size ((0  m  n)  (p=m))  ((0  n  m)  (p=n)) zip xs ys = case xs of [] -> [] (x:xs’) -> case ys of [] -> [] (y:ys’) -> (x,y):(zip xs’ ys’) Specialisation can eliminate redundant tests. Context Specialisation size zip1 :: [  ] m  [  ] n  [( ,  )] p size (0  m  n)  (p=m) zip1 xs ys = case xs of [] -> [] (x:xs’) -> (x,head ys):(zip1 xs’ (tail ys)) zip1 xs ys = zip xs ys st st (xs::[  ] m )  (ys::[  ] n )  (m  n)

24 Sized Types Inference24 size zip :: [  ] m  [  ] n  [( ,  )] p size ((0  n  m)  (p=n))  ((0  m  n)  (p=m)) zip xs ys = case xs of [] -> [] (x:xs’) -> case ys of [] -> [] (y:ys) -> (x,y):(zip xs’ ys’) Specialisation can eliminate redundant tests. Context Specialisation size zip2 :: [  ] m  [  ] n  [( ,  )] p size (0  n  m)  (p=n) zip2 xs ys = case ys of [] -> [] (y:ys’) -> (head xs,y):(zip2 (tail xs) ys’) zip2 xs ys = zip xs ys st st (xs::[  ] m )  (ys::[  ] n )  (n  m)

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