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WELCOME BACK! 6 special educators to a table, please! – One SCIENCE teacher – One MATH teacher – One SOCIAL STUDIES teacher – One ENGLISH/LA teacher –

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Presentation on theme: "WELCOME BACK! 6 special educators to a table, please! – One SCIENCE teacher – One MATH teacher – One SOCIAL STUDIES teacher – One ENGLISH/LA teacher –"— Presentation transcript:

1 WELCOME BACK! 6 special educators to a table, please! – One SCIENCE teacher – One MATH teacher – One SOCIAL STUDIES teacher – One ENGLISH/LA teacher – One RESOURCE teacher – One FUNCTIONAL ACADEMICS teacher

2 Secondary Special Education Kick-Off 2013 Emily Snead, Ph.D. Lead Teacher Specialist for Secondary Schools Shellie Waldron, M.Ed. Special Education Coordinator for Secondary Schools

3 WELCOME BACK! Themes for the time we have together: – Developing shared visions and practice. – How can we better support students towards the most inclusive education possible for each of them? But first, a little housekeeping! – Staff assignments – Transition Assessment

4 Special Education Staff Assignments Director of Special Education – Diane Brown Assistant Director of Special Education – Lauran Zeigler Secondary Team – Specialist ~ Emily Snead – Coordinator ~ Shellie Waldron – Autism Consultative Teacher(s) ~ Sue Palko & TBA Elementary Team – Specialist ~ Martha Thompson – Coordinator ~ Meredith Eads – Autism Consultative Teacher ~ Heather Weston Senior Teachers Department Chairs

5 Senior Teachers Patrick Henry High School ~ Karla Bloom Liberty Middle School ~ Rima Wiggin Hanover High School ~ Judy Lewis Oak Knoll Middle School ~ Lara Dugolinsky Atlee High School ~ Katherine Buhse Chickahominy Middle School ~ Jill Godard Lee-Davis High School ~ Sue Barcus Stonewall Jackson Middle School ~Stacie Johnson

6 Transition Teacher Support 3 transition staff members: Leigh Folds, LDHS & HHS Sharon Brownlee, PHHS & AHS Jennifer Hueston, all middle and high schools Paper-based and computer assisted assessment beginning in middle school Continuum of Services: Assessment School-based employment processes Community based instruction Job/career community exposure & assessment Short term job acquisition and on-site support IEP team support / teacher support Project SEARCH

7 Our Plan for Systemic Transition Assessment Informal assessment begins as soon as a student identifies any career interest, or 6 th grade. Transition Planning Inventory (TPI): Grades 7 & 10. Training will take place each month in department meetings. Vocational Readiness Rating Rubric (VR3): Grades 9-12 Resources listed on the handout will be used each year, beginning at grade 6. At least 3 assessments should be used each year, in addition to any parent/student transition interview guides.

8 Let’s Talk Specialized Instruction Co-Teaching

9 Big Picture! Hanover’s SPP for 2012

10 LRE Data for HCPS

11 Starting with the current 9 th graders (13-14), there is no more Modified Standard Diploma. Students who are ninth graders after 2013

12 Implications of earning a non-standard diploma Take 3 minutes with your table mates to brainstorm the implications of a non- standard diploma.

13 Credit Accommodations in Math Sequence Algebra I (parts I & II) can count as 2 separate credits. Geometry (parts I & II) can count as 2 separate credits. If both Algebra & Geometry are taken in sequence, over 4 years, it will count for 3 credits instead of 4. Students only require 3 math credits to graduate with a standard diploma.

14 How does Hanover handle this? Double blocked Algebra & Geometry – parts I & II concurrently – Algebraic & Geometric Concepts will now be coded as part I for students with disabilities. There are NO self-contained courses that will lead to a standard diploma. – All teachers teaching a SC course for full credit are required to have an ENDORSEMENT in the content. (HQ does not count) – There are a few exceptions as the MSD is phased out over the next 3 years.

15 Additional Credit Accommodations Several social studies and science courses may be offered in part I/II sequences if needed in the future. Locally Awarded/Verified Credits (LVC): – still under review – Potentially able to award credits for students scoring within 25 points (375 or better) if the test has been taken at least twice.

16 Timing and self-contained classes 6 minutes with your table mates: What are we currently doing to increase students’ successes in moving to more general education classrooms by grade 8? In what ways is this important? What are the consequences of NOT successfully transitioning them?

17 SPECIALIZED INSTRUCTION 1)What is it? 2)Where does it happen? 3)What can I do to disassemble the barriers? 4)How does this apply to the idea of LRE for students with disabilities? 5)Over service? Over accommodate? What are the perils? 6)What are the critical issues related to delivery of specialized instruction? 7)How is this related to narrowing the achievement gap for students with disabilities? 8)In what ways can we support this notion in our schools?


19 What is SPECIALIZED INSTRUCTION Based on grade level content Multiple means of engagement Multiple means of action Multiple means of representation Directed at teaching compensatory skills in order to fully comprehend concepts Includes instruction of selected IEP goals

20 GALLERY WALK 3 minutes at each station!


22 Multiple Means of Engagement How can you facilitate this in a typical classroom?

23 Multiple Means of Action How to change ideas around how grades are earned….. How does Project Based Learning and the architecture of the modern classroom fit into this?

24 Multiple Means of Representation What are a few ways to get “routine” information and facts to stick?

25 Where does this happen? Consultative Services Resource Classroom Co-Taught Classroom Self-Contained Classroom Programs – Extensive Support (AUT I & MC) – Moderate Support (AUT II/III & ID)

26 The STANDARD Answer All students are engaged You can’t tell who the special education teacher is from the general education teacher Description of a few models (parallel teaching, one teach & one support, etc…) Yes…… BUT!

27 Specialized Instruction in Co-Taught Classrooms: Not about division of responsibilities, but about MULTIPLICATION of impact! 6 minutes with your table mates: WHAT are the BASICS of effectively co-taught classrooms? What are the differences between Specialized Instruction and Accommodation?

28 Disassembling the Barriers – What are the barriers that you currently see? WAYS to overcome the barriers: – Communicate – BE the professional and ensure you are giving your 100% to specializing instruction in the classes you teach – Take note: of barriers that currently exist, and ways you have effectively navigated them – Teach your colleagues, step up!

29 SPECIALIZED INSTRUCTION: Review 1)What is it? 2)Where does it happen? 3)What can I do to disassemble the barriers? 4)How does this apply to the idea of LRE for students with disabilities? 5)Over service? Over accommodate? What are the perils? 6)What are the critical issues related to delivery of specialized instruction? 7)How is this related to narrowing the achievement gap for students with disabilities? 8)In what ways can we support this notion in our schools?

30 Resources Whole Brain Teaching Resources: f=114 Whole Brain Teaching Resources: f=114 Whole Brain Teaching example: I’m a Teacher!: I’m a Teacher!:

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