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Organ Donation Moral Implications.

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Presentation on theme: "Organ Donation Moral Implications."— Presentation transcript:

1 Organ Donation Moral Implications

2 Transplant technology is developing so rapidly that new practices are outpacing society’s ability to explore their moral implications. Moral Implications

3 Organ Donation One body can provide 1 heart or 4 heart valves
2 lungs 2 kidneys 1 liver 1 pancreas 2 hip joints 1 jawbone 6 ear bones 2 corneas Bone Marrow Limb bones and ribs Ligaments, tendons, and pieces of cartilage Skin Blood vessels Organ Donation

4 Ethics of Allocating organs
What types of factors should be taken into consideration when deciding which particular individual will receive a transplant? Best chance of living and surviving the operation Most likely to die within a short time Blood type Has the person received an organ before Age Value to society Person waiting the longest Previous/current lifestyle – was the medical problem self induced Ability to pay Ethics of Allocating organs

5 What limits, if any, should be placed on human efforts to overcome death?
Science is evolving at an incredible rate. Are all these developments steps in the right direction? The Big Questions

6 With medical breakthroughs, supposed it is possible to complete a successful brain transplant. Sarah has died in an accident, and her family has given consent to give her brain to Kelly. Who exists after the operation? Option A: It is Sarah, but with a new body. Option B: It is Kelly, but with a new brain. Option C: It is a combination of both girls What makes you…You?

7 Medical Breakthrough or Ethical can of worms?
In a provocative new paper, an Italian neuroscientist outlines how to perform a complete human head transplant, arguing that such a surgical procedure is now within the realm of possibility. 07/08/2013 Medical Breakthrough or Ethical can of worms?



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