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Local Government Decision-making body: The Council Representatives: Councillors Leader: Mayor Our Mayor: Cr Col Meng “Grass Roots” Government The council.

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Presentation on theme: "Local Government Decision-making body: The Council Representatives: Councillors Leader: Mayor Our Mayor: Cr Col Meng “Grass Roots” Government The council."— Presentation transcript:

1 Local Government Decision-making body: The Council Representatives: Councillors Leader: Mayor Our Mayor: Cr Col Meng “Grass Roots” Government The council makes local laws that reflect community needs and ensures they can govern their area.

2 Federal Government Representatives: Member of Parliament (MP) Leader: Prime Minister Our Mayor: Prime Minister Julia Gillard State Government Representatives: Member of Parliament (MP) Leader: Premier Our Mayor: Premier Anna Bligh

3 Federal & State Government The Federal Government is responsible to enacts laws in the areas that affect the nation of Australia. The Federal Government allocates specific portfolios to the The State Government. The State Government is responsible for enacting laws in those areas that affect the people in their state. State laws need to be approved by the Federal Government.

4 Governments Governments are responsible for enacting laws in which to govern the people that they represent. Federal Government – Australian Population Our State Government – QLD Population Local Government – Mackay Region Population

5 Levels of Government Activity PORTFOLIOS Defence Waste Disposal Transport & Roads Sports Grounds Emergency Services Immigration Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry Drains & Water Supply Schools & Education Family & Community Services Libraries Industry, Tourism & Resources

6 Federal Government Defence Immigration Foreign affairs Justice & Customs Trade Taxation Communications Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry Industry, Tourism & Resources Health & Ageing Transport & Regional Services Environment Education

7 State Government Health & Hospitals Schools & Education Employment & Training Transport & Roads Police & Justice Emergency Services Environment & Heritage Agriculture, Mining & Natural Resources Family & Community Services Primary Industries Industry & Tourism Excise Duties & State Taxes

8 Local Government Building Regulations Waste Disposal Drains & Water Supply Libraries Signs Sports Grounds Dog Control Child Care Regulation

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