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Eating According to MyPyramid

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1 Eating According to MyPyramid
Some slides adapted from University of Nebraska Lincoln ( and

2 Project Sponsors USDA project funded through the Food Stamp Program
School District of Philadelphia Nutrition Center, Department of Bioscience & Biotechnology Drexel University Funded by the PENNSYLVANIA NUTRITION EDUCATION TRACKS, a part of USDA’s Food Stamp Program. To find out how the Food Stamp Program can help you buy healthy foods, contact the PA Department of Public Welfare’s tool-free helpline at This institution is an equal opportunity provider and employer.

3 Sort the foods into the correct food groups
Activity Sort the foods into the correct food groups This activity looks easier than it really is!

4 Would you care for your car like this?

5 MyPyramid Is a manual for your body Shows us how to eat healthy
Lists types of healthy foods Shows us healthy amounts of food to eat Tells us how much physical activity we need a day Based on a 2000 calorie diet

6 Food Guide Pyramid (1990)

7 New MyPyramid (2005) Meat & Beans Grains Milk Vegetables Oils Fruits

8 Food Guide Pyramid vs MyPyramid: What is different?


10 Key Messages from MyPyramid
Make smart choices from every food group Choose a variety of foods Get the most nutrients from your calories Keep a balance between food intake and physical activity

11 Key messages from Dietary Guidelines
Focus on fruits. Vary your veggies. Get your calcium-rich foods. Another link between the Dietary Guidelines and MyPyramid are the key messages for each food group. The page shown here is from the Dietary Guidelines consumer brochure “Finding Your Way to the Healthier You.” The key messages for each food group in this brochure are also the key messages used for each food group in MyPyramid consumer materials. These messages were selected for both the Dietary Guidelines consumer brochure and for MyPyramid after consumer research showed that people found the messages easy to understand and would help them make better decisions about eating a healthier diet. Make half your grains whole. Go lean with protein. Know the limits on fats, salt, & sugars.

12 My Pyramid The back of the mini poster gives basic messages for each food group, the amounts recommended from each food group at a 2000 calorie food intake level, and messages about physical activity, fats, sugars, and salt. The wall-size poster contains the same content as both the front and back of the mini poster, but it is all on one side.

13 Everybody’s calorie needs are different
Calorie needs depend on: Age Gender Activity level   

14 How many calories do you need?
 Activity Level Gender Age Sedentary Moderately Active Female 14-18 1800 2000 2400 Male 2200

15 “Calorie Budget” Each individual has a different calorie budget
MyPyramid recommends getting most of your calories from the five food groups You may have some “extra” calories left over to spend on higher fat, sugar and calorie foods

16 “Calorie Budget” “Extras” “Essentials”
“Extras” are the smaller amount of calories that can be used on higher calorie, fat or sugar treats and snacks. “Essentials” are the minimum amount of calories you need to eat in order to get enough energy and nutrients.

17 “Essential” vs. “extra” calories
“Extra” calories are like money left after “essential” spending. Is the item Extra or Essential?

18 “Essential” vs. “extra” calories
Is the food Extra or Essential?

19 “Spend” Wisely Spend your calories wisely so you have “extra” calories after meeting “essential” nutrient needs.

20 MyPyramid calls these “extra” calories
“discretionary” calories

21 Calories for 14 - 18 years 360-650 2400-3200 290 2200 265-360
195 1800 **Extra calories amounts can range from calories per day

22 You can spend your “extra” calories on:
Foods with added sugar sodas, candy, sweets Foods higher in fat-chips, cookies, cake More foods from the MyPyramid food groups

23 The Balancing Act If you overspend by 100 calories per day
You could gain 10 pounds in a year!

24 10 large jelly beans (1 ounce)
Example of 100 calories 10 jelly beans 10 large jelly beans (1 ounce)

25 Another example of 100 calories
25 25 pieces = 100 calories

26 medium glazed doughnut
Average calories … 12 oz. soda 1.5 oz candy bar 150 calories 200 calories medium order of fries medium glazed doughnut 240 calories 460 calories

27 How does your diet compare to what you should be eating?
Activity How does your diet compare to what you should be eating?

28 This shows one of the .pdf files that can be downloaded and printed from MyPyramid Plan. It is the meal tracking worksheet, which allows consumers to compare the foods they ate to their food group goals for the day. [CLICK for emphasis circle to appear] It also encourages setting food intake and physical activity goals for the future. This worksheet can be used by individual consumers, but it also can be used by professionals working with clients individually or in groups.

29 The website provides the most information for consumers and for professionals. This slide shows the homepage. Users can access MyPyramid Plan, MyPyramid Tracker, and many other helpful tips for professionals and consumers. [CLICK for emphasis circle to appear] MyPyramid Plan can be accessed directly from the home page by entering age, sex, and one of three physical activity levels, to obtain a food intake pattern that is right for each person.

30 This is the results screen for MyPyramid Plan after entering data on the home page. The above information is for a 54 year old male who is active for at least 60 minutes a day. The recommendations for food intake are personalized according to the data entered on the homepage—one of the many new aspects of MyPyramid. In addition, this webpage provides a variety of links to additional information about each food group, oils, and discretionary calories. [CLICK for emphasis circle to appear] It also has links to two .pdf files that can be printed to give consumers a “take-away” version of their food intake pattern.


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