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The Long Essay Question The first one. 4,5,6—not bad! Don’t Redo 0,1,2,3-Redo by Friday.

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1 The Long Essay Question The first one. 4,5,6—not bad! Don’t Redo 0,1,2,3-Redo by Friday

2 Prompt: To what extent did African slavery differ regionally in 18 th century North America? 1 point Thesis 2 points Evidence and support for argument – (1)Addresses topic of question with specific examples – (1)Thesis Driven examples

3 Liam Jantzen African slavery in the 18 th century North America was widespread and played a massive roll in the economy there, however, despite its being widespread, it was marked by several differences, such as numbers, treatment, and jobs given to slaves, for reasons such as what government controlled the region, who settled in the region, and what was produced in the region.

4 Reece Holzer In 18 th century north America African slavery was a large part of the economy. Even though some people from any of the colonies had slaves, most southern colonies were the predominant users of slave labor, the middle colonies used less slave than the south and the Northern colonies used the least amount of slavery.

5 Peyton Wolfsohn In the 18 th century African slavery began to regionally differ throughout North America because of the switch from indentured to slaves, the upcoming abundance of tobacco in the plantations, and conditions the slaves were treated; however all North America owned slaves

6 Sydney Pate African slavery in the 18 th century was equally racially unjust through the North American colonies, and all experienced some form of slave rebellion. However, they differed through regional goals and beliefs, and geographic location.

7 Describe (1) differences and similarities Despite the fact that the southern and northern regions differed in their labor systems they both did not use natives of their land. The north achieved their laborers from the west indies and the south from Africa. Brian Weist

8 ANALYSIS of REASONS for similarities or differences Rowen Zamora The southern colonies used slave the most because that is where most of the plantations were. The people in the south also didn’t come to the colonies for religion so their moral compass may have been loose.

9 Analysis for reason or difference Madison Hausmann Starting with Bacon’s Rebellion in Virginia in 1676. As a result of the indentured servants actions slavery was more heavily relied upon. So in contrast to other regions Virginia increased in slave labor. Later in South Carolina the Stono Rebellion in 1739 occurred…

10 Audrey Ferrara-Reason for difference Despite that, places such as new Amsterdam, Pennsylvania and the Massachusetts Bay colonies did not have as high of a demand for slavery. These colonies were more concentrated on the political and religious groups came out. After the Great Awakening, more political groups came out. For example, William Penn, who founded Pennsylvania, started the colony for Quakers…

11 Ian Crundall -Synthesis Theses conflicting view points would later be the basis of the Civil War, Americas bloodiest war to date. These regional differences are what made our country what it is today and could have just as easily sent our delicate new born nation into utter chaos and disarray.

12 Ben Stanley Synthesis Although they both owned slaves the treatment of slaves in the South was generally much harsher than in the North. Even before slavery ended in Northern North America Southern slaves still attempted to escape to the North, looking for a better life. In the novel Huck Finn Huck and Jims goal was to escape to the North so Jim would work for his master anymore

13 Daisy Erber synthesis Racism still occurs in the United States today and sometimes oversteps our new political and social boundaries that now protect black people from racial injustice that occurred throughout the 17 th 188 th and early 19 th centuries. The North’s less drastic standpoint on slavery is one reason why our country fought the Civil war a century later.

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