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Childhood Obesity (Children in the united states need to learn how to keep healthy) Robert Custodio.

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Presentation on theme: "Childhood Obesity (Children in the united states need to learn how to keep healthy) Robert Custodio."— Presentation transcript:

1 Childhood Obesity (Children in the united states need to learn how to keep healthy) Robert Custodio

2 Obesity

3 Food Unhealthy foods such as Mc Donald's, ice cream, and soda are one of the reasons why children are overweight. Just look at the nutrition facts from one big mac: 560 calories out of a 1800 calorie diet, and 34g of fat! That is too much!

4 Exercise Sometimes kids are just plain lazy. They sit on the couch and do nothing but play video games. Kids should know that not exercising can be harmful to your weight. But its not only the kids fault. Parents, if you see your kid not going outside, playing to many video games you have too tell them to get outside and play.

5 Healthy Food As I said before, food plays a role in childhood obesity, but it can also play a role in stopping it. Sometimes kids just look in the mirror, decide they’re a failure, and order a pizza. You can not do that! If you eat healthy and your plate looks like the picture then your weight will not increase as much as if you were to eat junk food. Some of my favorite healthy foods are strawberries, milk, cheese, and applesauce.

6 Exercise Some kids just don’t exercise! Eating healthy alone isn't going to make you slim! If you don’t exercise then you wont lose weight. There are so many ways that you can exercise from sports, hiking, to even walking in the park! Look at the pictures above, all of those kids that are exercising are healthy.

7 Obesity So the next time you decide to go to McDonalds or just sit around all day think back to this article and remember that you have to keep healthy!Please encourage others to get out and be active. Sometimes kids don’t want to get outside because nobody else is.

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