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R M Agnew Ruth Agnew #governorlive “Navigating the Changing Terrain”

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1 R M Agnew Consulting @rmagovernance Ruth Agnew #governorlive “Navigating the Changing Terrain”

2 R M Agnew Consulting @rmagovernance “there’s life, Jim, but not as we know it”

3 R M Agnew Consulting @rmagovernance


5 Sir Michael Wilshaw “Good governors focus on the central issues which lie at the heart of school improvement: the quality of teaching, the progress and achievement of their pupils... poor governance focuses on the marginal issues … too much time is spent looking at the quality of school lunches, and not enough on attainment in maths and English.” (2013)

6 R M Agnew Consulting @rmagovernance Lord Nash “Governance is one of my top priorities … All schools make two vital decisions. Who is the head and who sits on the governing body … Governors can effect significant change … Although governance is a voluntary role that does not mean it’s an amateur one. It’s a highly professional, highly responsible job, performing an absolutely critical role.” (2013)

7 R M Agnew Consulting @rmagovernance Primary Head Teacher “If you took my secretary away, or the school caretaker, or any of my class teachers, it would have a huge impact. Governing bodies can be highly effective, full of very good people, but if it didn’t exist you might not notice.”

8 R M Agnew Consulting @rmagovernance Ofsted “Governors work hard to provide practical support and challenge, but this is having little impact on the work of the school. They do not have a realistic view of the school's strengths and weaknesses.”

9 R M Agnew Consulting @rmagovernance Ofsted “Governors work hard to provide practical support and challenge, but this is having little impact on the work of the school. They do not have a realistic view of the school's strengths and weaknesses.”

10 R M Agnew Consulting @rmagovernance Twenty key questions for a school governing body to ask itself 5. What is our training and development budget and does every governor receive the support they need to carry out their role effectively?

11 R M Agnew Consulting @rmagovernance Where can we get help? Local Authorities National Governors’ Association Governor Line External providers A good clerk Twitter Other governors!! National College for Teaching and Leadership

12 R M Agnew Consulting @rmagovernance National College for Teaching and Leadership Chairs’ Development Programme National College Membership – National Leaders of Governance (NLG) –

13 R M Agnew Consulting @rmagovernance National Leaders of Governance What are they?

14 R M Agnew Consulting @rmagovernance National Leaders of Governance What about you?

15 R M Agnew Consulting @rmagovernance National Leaders of Governance Speak to Local Authority / NCTL broker / NLG or Email

16 R M Agnew Consulting @rmagovernance What’s it all for?

17 R M Agnew Consulting @rmagovernance


19 Karl Marx “We make our own destiny but not in circumstances of our own choosing”

20 R M Agnew Consulting @rmagovernance Keep in touch @ruthagnew @rmagovernance /

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