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December 2nd, 2008 Power Melder Midterm Presentation.

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Presentation on theme: "December 2nd, 2008 Power Melder Midterm Presentation."— Presentation transcript:

1 December 2nd, 2008 Power Melder Midterm Presentation

2 About Us Christopher Harper EE Power conversion electronics Tina McGlaston CPE Human- interfacing Daniel Wilson CPE Control Loops Human- interfacing Tyler Pettit EE Power-factor correction

3 Overview Current Problem Solution Constraints  Practical Constraints  Technical Constraints Progress Test Plan Questions

4 Current Problem Small generators cannot power large loads.

5 Solution Parallel power generation

6 System Overview Bridge rectifier Power factor correction μC Shunt resistor From generator Output bus ADC DC-DC converter Master/Slave bus DC-DC Converter Subsystem

7 Practical Constraint: Economic [1] The Power Melder must cost less than a typical consumer generator with similar capacity.

8 Practical Constraint: Safety Input Isolation Fuses Conductor Separation [2] Voltage Between Conductors ( AC Peaks or DC Volts ) Minimum Bare Board Spacing B1B2B3B4 …………… 301-5000.25mm (.01 in.)2.5mm (.1 in.)12.5mm (.492 in.)0.8mm (.0315 in.) …………… B1 - Internal Conductors B2 - External Conductors, uncoated, Sea level to 3050m ( 10K ft.) B3 - External Conductors, uncoated, over 3050m ( 10K Ft.) B4 - External Conductors, coated with permanent polymer coating

9 Technical Constraints NameDescription Input PowerMust accept 90-300V DC or AC 50-200Hz Output PowerMust provide a single output DC bus between 12V and 14.5V for use with an AC inverter Output StabilityMust be stable to within 10% of nominal value with a maximum of 10% ripple AccuracyMeasured power draw and power limiting must be accurate to within 10W Power CapabilityMust be capable of drawing 150W from any acceptable power source

10 Human Interfacing User Interface 4 line x 20 character LCD 12-key keypad for input User interface will allow the user input various information about the generators in use.

11 Human Interfacing 6 Menus/Screens  Home  Generator  Mode  Sharing  Power  Done # always takes user to Home menu * serves as ENTER button

12 Human Interfacing Home Menu  Displays operating mode of each generator  Displays output power of each generator  Displays total power of system

13 Human Interfacing Generator Menu  Allows user to select which generator to configure  User can always hit # to cancel and go back to Home Menu

14 Human Interfacing Mode Menu  Allows user to select whether the generator selected will operate in Sharing, Primary, or Backup mode  User can always hit # to cancel and go back to Home menu

15 Human Interfacing Sharing Menu  Allows user to set sharing percentage of selected generator  User can always hit # to cancel and go back to Home menu  User must hit * after finished

16 Human Interfacing Power Menu  Allows user to set maximum power to draw from selected generator  User can always hit # to cancel and go back to Home menu  User must hit * after finished

17 Human Interfacing Done Menu  Updates generator information and redirects user to Home menu

18 Human Interfacing User Interface Demo

19 Power Factor Correction First Hardware Prototype Completed CircuitAfter Failure

20 Power Factor Correction Re-constructed circuit Several failures Attempted to order new PFC chip (ML4821) Removed PFC from design Lost Input Voltage Range Technical Constraint

21 PCBs Layout for DC-DC Converter PCB Rectifier + Rectifier -

22 PCBs Layout for Master Controller PCB

23 PCBs Master Controller PCB Populated Master Controller PCB Converter PCB Power Melder PCBs

24 Enclosure Parts for Power Melder Enclosure

25 Test Plan - Subsystem Subsystem testing  Converter  different input voltages  too little power  different and varying loads  Master controller  keypad  LCD  different menu selections

26 Test Plan - System Test with…  one source (each converter)  failing source (not enough power capability)  different operation modes  Primary/backup  Percent sharing  varying loads  varying input voltages

27 Questions?

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