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Question 2: Transform Artists are sometimes inspired by the idea of transforming the work of others. Examples include Tom Hunter’s photographic recreation.

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Presentation on theme: "Question 2: Transform Artists are sometimes inspired by the idea of transforming the work of others. Examples include Tom Hunter’s photographic recreation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Question 2: Transform Artists are sometimes inspired by the idea of transforming the work of others. Examples include Tom Hunter’s photographic recreation of Vermeer’s ‘Girl Reading a Letter at an Open Window’, Anthony Caro’s series of sculptures, the Duccio Variations, Picasso’s many responses to Las Meninas by Velasquez, and Bill Viola’s Catherine’s room, a video based on a 14th century Sienese alterpiece. Research appropriate sources and develop your own response to the idea of transforming the work of others.

2 Johannes Vermeer, 1657

3 Tom Hunter 1997

4 Lady writing a letter with her maid
Johannes Vermeer, 1670

5 Girl writing an affidavit
Tom Hunter 1997

6 Anthony Caro Anthony Caro, Déjeuner sur l'herbe II (1989), Steel rusted and fixed, 82 x x cm Edouard Manet, Déjeuner sur l'herbe (1863), Oil on canvas, 214 x 269 cm

7 14th century Sienese alterpiece

8 Anthony Caro’s series of sculptures, the Duccio Variations

9 Las Meninas by Velasquez



12 Bill Viola’s Catherine’s room, a video based on a 14th century Sienese alterpiece



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