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Another world religion has its roots in India… Buddhism.

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2 Another world religion has its roots in India… Buddhism.

3   Born a wealthy Prince  His parents tried to shelter him from the world  They did not allow him to experience suffering or pain Siddhartha Gautama (born ~566 B.C.)

4   One day he went outside the palace walls and was shocked by the amount of human suffering  Seeing this he was deeply moved  Siddhartha committed himself to putting an end to suffering Suffering

5   Ascetic: one who renounces all material goods on a search for spiritual understanding  He fasted almost to the point of death  He then realized that there must be another way to end suffering- a middle path Life as an ascetic

6   Faced temptations to give up his quest and ignored them After meditating for a month straight he reached Enlightenment


8  1) All life is pain and suffering 2) The cause of suffering is desire 3) To cure suffering, overcome desire 4) To do this, you must follow the Eightfold Path He discovered the 4 Noble Truths…

9  Right:  Understanding  Intention  Speech  Action  livelihood  effort  mindfulness  concentration The Eightfold Path

10   By meditation, and living according to these teachings you could achieve Enlightenment and Nirvana  Those who achieve Nirvana were freed from the reincarnation cycle (This could be achieved in 1 lifetime) Nirvana


12   No single founder  Truth is revealed by a Tirthankara (guru)  Normal human who has achieved moksha (or liberation) and then shows others how  Each Tirthankara teaches the same core principles but adapts Jainism to their time/place (there have been 24) Origins of Jainism

13   Jains believe that the only way to save one’s soul is to protect every other soul  …so the most important teaching, and core of Jain ethics, is ahimsa (non-violence)  Literally: Ahimsa means to be without harm; not only to oneself and others, but to all forms of life Ahimsa

14   Non-Violence  Truthfulness  No Stealing  No Owning Things  Chastity (No scoodidly-pooping) Core Principles of Jainism

15   Reincarnation = soul exists forever  Karma determines rebirth  Follow Dharma (the same for everyone)  Moksha (breaking the cycle of reincarnation) And Most Important of all:  Ahimsa Beliefs of Jainism

16   Jain monks can be seen sweeping their temples with the utmost of care to avoid accidentally crushing insects, or wearing cloths over their mouths in case they accidentally swallow a fly

17   47:30 mark  s


19   Animism is the belief that all things (creatures) have spirits/souls  Animism existed in many early peoples that predate civilizations, especially hunter-gatherers Animism


21   Originated in Japan  No founder  No scripture (book)  Locally practiced, no central authority Shinto “the way of spirits”

22   Kami – individual spirits that if treated properly will bring prosperity  Emphasis is on rituals not particular beliefs  Worship is mostly at home and local shrines Core Beliefs

23  o i

24  k

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