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Maite Beltrán Osservatorio Astrofisico di Arcetri The intringuing hot molecular core G31.41+0.31.

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1 Maite Beltrán Osservatorio Astrofisico di Arcetri The intringuing hot molecular core G31.41+0.31

2 The HMC G31.41+0.31 G31.41 is a hot core (without UCHII) at a distance of 7.9 kpc G31.41 luminosity, 3 10 5 L, suggests that it harbors O-type (proto)stars Clump UC HII HMC  G31.41 is located at a distance of 7.9 kpc,  L IRAS = 3x10 5 L  ➔ consistent with an embedded star of 25 M 

3 Glycolaldehyde in G31.41+0.31  Glycolaldehyde, the simplest of the monosaccharide sugars that reacts with propenal to form ribose was detected for the first time towards a HMC OUTSIDE the Galactic Center in G31.41+0.31. Beltrán et al. (2009) 1.4 mm 2.1 mm 2.9 mm  Very compact emission (~1.3”, ~10,000 AU) unlike in Sgr B2.  Estimated abundance of the order of 10 -8. Only small amounts of CO need to be processed on grains to reproduce the observed column densities with the HMC model of Viti et al. (2004). Plateau de Bure

4 Glycolaldehyde in HMCs Beltrán et al. (in preparation) contours: CH 3 CN greyscale: glyco

5 A rotating toroid in G31.41+0.31  G31.41 is a rotating toroid with R ~ 8000 AU, M core = 490 M , M dyn = 87 M , and V rot = 2.10 km/s (Beltrán et al. 2004, 2005; Girart, MTB et al. 2009; Cesaroni, MTB et al. 2011)  M core  6 x M dyn ➔ core unstable and undergoing collapse.  The two white dots denote the free-free continuum sources (radio jets) detected by Cesaroni et al. (2010). Cesaroni, Beltrán et al. (2011) CH 3 OH Girart, Beltrán et al. (2009)

6 Magnetic field in G31.41+0.31  Hot core elongated in NE-SW direction  Dust polarization observations have revealed dust linearly polarized emission mainly along the major axis of the HMC: B lines perpendicular to the major axis of the HMC, in the direction of rotation or accretion, with a clear ‘’pinched’’ morphology (Girart, Beltrán et al. 2009).  The dust polarization pattern suggests an hourglass shape morphology, similar to the one found in low- mass regions (e.g NGC1333 IRAS4A: Girart et al. 2006) but the scale and mass involved are much larger. dust polarized emission velocity gradient Girart, Beltrán et al. (2009) 870  m G31.41+0.31 CH 3 OH  B-field strength ~10 mG;   = 0.35±0.29/0.20 ➝ E magnetic > E turbulent  Mass-to-flux ratio (wrt critical value): 2.7 (supercritical)

7 Magnetic field in G31.41+0.31 Girart, Beltrán et al. (2009)  The more compact transitions show a shorter velocity range, that is a smaller rotation velocity  Rotation and radius have been measured from the Half Maximum contour of different methanol transitions in the zero and first order maps of the integrated emission.  The measured spin velocity of the hot core decreases with decreasing radius  Therefore the angular momentum is not conserved: Magnetic braking. Theoretical models of magnetic braking predict a spin down (Basu & Mouschovias 1994; Mellon & Li 2008)  Magnetic fields might play an important role in the formation of massive stars and could control the dynamical evolution (gravitational collapse) of the cores.

8 Inverse P-Cygni profiles in G31.41+0.31  There is a clear inverse P-Cygni in C 34 S (7-6), H 2 CO (3 1,2 -2 1,1 ), and CN (2-1) profiles that suggests infalling gas.  Red-shifted absorption observed against the bright continuum emission of a very hot compact dust component.  V inf =|V LSR -V red |~3.1 km/s  Accretion rate =  /4  [3x10 -3 – 3x10 -2 ] M  /yr for (4080-12640 AU) C 34 S (7-6) Frau et al. (in preparation) CN (2-1) Girart, Beltrán et al. (2009) absorption emission

9 Outflows in G31.41+0.31 Cesaroni, Beltrán et al. (2011)  CO observations reveal a complex outflow emission (Cesaroni, Beltrán et al. 2011):  at high velocities E-W outflow  at systemic velocities: 2 outflows?  NE-SW wide-angle outflow? (CH 3 OH: Araya et al. 2008) Can CH 3 CN (and CO) trace a NE-SW bipolar ouflow? ☺ if CH 3 CN indicates rotation, where is the perpendicular outflow? ☺ the PV plot of the 12 CO emission in the direction of the CH 3 CN velocity gradient is consistent with the Hubble- law expansion observed in molecular outflows ☹ CH 3 13 CN “outflow parameters” too high (M out =290 M , P = 1200 M  km/s, F=0.3 M  km/s/yr, L bol = 6 × 10 6 L  ) ☹ the velocity gradient would involve the whole core not only gas emitting in the wings. Most CH 3 CN affected by the velocity gradient ☹ dynamical timescale (4x10 3 yr) too short to form hot core species (Charnley et al. 2002) ☹ not compatible with the hourglass-shaped morphology of the magnetic field

10 Outflows in G31.41+0.31 Cesaroni, Beltrán et al. (2011) Can CH 3 CN (and CO) trace a NE-SW bipolar ouflow? ☺ if CH 3 CN indicates rotation, where is the perpendicular outflow? ☺ the PV plot of the 12 CO emission in the direction of the CH 3 CN velocity gradient is consistent with the Hubble- law expansion observed in molecular outflows ☹ CH 3 13 CN “outflow parameters” too high (M out =290 M , P = 1200 M  km/s, F=0.3 M  km/s/yr, L bol = 6 × 10 6 L  ) ☹ the velocity gradient would involve the whole core not only gas emitting in the wings. Most CH 3 CN affected by the velocity gradient ☹ dynamical timescale (4x10 3 yr) too short to form hot core species (Charnley et al. 2002) ☹ not compatible with the hourglass-shaped morphology of the magnetic field

11 Maser jet in G31.41+0.31  H 2 O and CH 3 OH maser VLBI observations have revealed an extremely compact and highly collimated jet (Moscadelli et al. 2012)  the spots outline an elliptical pattern with major axis oriented roughly N-S and centered in one of the two cm sources detected towards the center (Cesaroni et al. 2010)  Major and minor axes are 1.4” and 0.24” (11000 and 1900 AU) with PA = 8°, and maser average expansion velocity 20 km/s.  Jet dynamical timescale is 1300 yr  Jet momentum rate is 0.1M  /yr consistent with a powering source of L > 10 4 L  Moscadelli et al. (2011) H2OH2O CH 3 OH H2OH2O CH 3 CN

12 Maser jet in G31.41+0.31 Moscadelli et al. (2011) H2OH2O CH 3 OH H2OH2O Where is the large-scale bipolar outflow? CH 3 CN  H 2 O and CH 3 OH maser VLBI observations have revealed an extremely compact and highly collimated jet (Moscadelli et al. 2012)  the spots outline an elliptical pattern with major axis oriented roughly N-S and centered in one of the two cm sources detected towards the center (Cesaroni et al. 2010)  Major and minor axes are 1.4” and 0.24” (11000 and 1900 AU) with PA = 8°, and maser average expansion velocity 20 km/s.  Jet dynamical timescale is 1300 yr  Jet momentum rate is 0.1M  /yr consistent with a powering source of L > 10 4 L 

13 Molecular jet in G31.41+0.31  SMA observations at 345 GHz and 0.8” reveal two possible jets (outflows):  E-W (PA=90 o ) south of the HMC center  N-S (PA=15 o ) associated with maser jet  Alternative explanation: NE-SW wide-angle jet (PA=68 o ) less convincing

14 ALMA and G31.41+0.31(and HMCs) 1.Keplerian circumstellar disk in G31.41+0.31  ALMA should be sensitive enough to detect a disk up to distances of 20 kpc (Cesaroni 2008)  Angular resolution of 0.1” (790 AU) should detect an embedded disk in G31 (if it exists) 2.Jets and outflows in G31.41+0.31  ALMA SiO observations at 0.1”-0.2” resolution (separation of the two cm sources and minor axis of maser distribution) ➔ information on the jet ejection process on scales < 1000 AU and on the interaction between the ejected material and the surrounding entrained gas in G31 3.Distribution and abundance of glycolaldehyde in G31.41+0.31  ALMA will resolve G31 and map the distribution of glycolaldehyde on scales smaller than 1000 AU.  ALMA (8 GHz BW) will allow simultaneous observations of several transitions of glycolaldehyde with different line strengths and energies (excitation conditions) ➔ temperature, column density and abundance to further constrain the formation routes (e.g. Woods et al. 2012). 4. Magnetic field in G31.41+0.31  ALMA polarization capabilities will allow to study the morphology of the magnetic field at a scale similar to the separation of the cm sources (0.2”) OPEN QUESTIONS:

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